Chapter 37 ( NuNews POV )

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" NuNew, baby I'm here. You're safe. No one's going to hurt you. I won't let anyone hurt you ". He hears Zee said. Nervously he looks up to see If he's really there. When he looks at him he sees him kneeling down at the other side of the room looking at him. He watches Zee closely as he slowly stands up and starts to slowly walk to him. He's nervous and Zee can tell so he stops halfway. " Is it ok for me to come over to you. Or should I stay here for a bit ". He thinks for a little bit. Eventually in a very quiet and shaky voice he says " S-stay there ". Zee nods and gives him a gentle smile. He watches as Zee slowly sits down. " Can I ask you some questions " Zee says and he slowly nods. " Do you realize where we are ". He looks around before he nods looking back at Zee. " That's good. Are you in pain anywhere " Zee asked. Slowly he nods. " Can you point to where the pain is ". Slowly with shaky hands he points to his chest, stomach and head ". Good job baby. I have one more question ok. This one might be a little difficult for you ok. But I am right here if you need me ok ". Scared he nods his head again. " Do you remember what happened ". He has to think for a while in order to remember. When he does he quickly looks at Zee before forcing himself to stand up. He winces from the pain. But he ignores it. He wants to see Nat as well as Max. He looks at Zee and then to the door. He wants to run and look for them but Zee is blocking the way. He's to scared to be around anyone else. He just wants to make sure they are ok. Seeing his panic Zee understands what he's thinking. " Both of them are ok. Nat is awake and getting some medicine. I will see if we can get him to come in here so you can see him. As for Max he's doing ok as well. He lost a decent amount of blood but he's getting some more. He will also need a few stitches ". He calms down a little bit. He can feel himself start to cry. It's his fault. He's the reason they got hurt. He couldn't protect them. He starts to hit his head angrily. " Baby please stop hitting your head. If you do that I will have to go over to you. I promised to protect you and that even means protecting you from yourself " Zee says in a gentle voice. He stops hitting his head. He wants to hug Zee but he's scared that if he does Nate will hurt him again. " Tell me what you're thinking baby " Zee says. He looks down and bites his lip nervously before quietly saying " I'm scared ". He looks up and sees the dried tears on Zee's face as well as the bruises. He starts to cry more. " What are you afraid of baby. Are you worried about Nate hurting us again if we help you " Zee asked in the same gentle voice. He nods his head. " He can not hurt us anymore. He can't hurt you anymore baby. Nate's at the police station and there's a lot of evidence against him. He's going to go to jail. He won't be able to get out " Zee says. He looks up at him in disbelief. Not really believing him. Zee continues to reassure him. " The officers told me that they were interviewing several people and even found someone who was recording the whole incident. From start to finish. They won't be able to get out of it. No lawyer can defend someone when they have such a strong case against them ". He looks down before looking back up to Zee. Slowly he takes one step at a time walking closer to him. Zee waits patiently with his arms open. Zee knows that he wants a hug. When he is in front of Zee he hesitates for a little bit. Still a little nervous. However Zee still has his arms open for him to give him a hug. Eventually he hugs Zee. When Zee hugs him it's like a wall broke down. Like he knows he is safe when Zee has him in a hug. " I was so scared. I couldn't help Nat. It was just like what happened in my dream about Max. Except both him and Nat were hurt ". Zee just rubs his back comfortingly while letting him express his emotions. " I tried to get him not to hurt Nat. He said that he did try to kill me that day. He said he would do what he did to me to Nat. He was going to kill him because I left the school without telling him ". He's stopped crying as he hugs Zee tighter. " I told you not to blame yourself. This isn't your fault NuNew ". He freezes when he hears Nat's voice. He quickly looks to the door and sees Nat standing with the help of James. Zee stops hugging him. He bites his lip anxiously. He wants to go and hug him. But he knows how scary Nate can be. So he asked first. " C-can I hug you. I want to ask because I know how it feels to be beaten by him and I- " Nat interrupts him. " Just stop rambling and give me a hug NuNew ". As soon as he hears Nat say that he walks over to Nat as quickly as he could. Which was slow because of the pain he was in. As soon as him and Nat hug they both immediately start crying and fall to the floor. Everyone around them worried but the two of them are to focused on each other. " I'm sorry. I didn't see Tyler behind you. I tried to get us away from them but he grabbed you ". Nat shakes his head. " You told them he can kill you if he wouldn't hurt me. You would have given your life to save me. You distracted them enough for everyone to rush over and help us ". He pulls away from the hug a little. " But Max he ". He stops himself not wanting to say it. Nat just pulls him back into the hug. " It's not your fault. Jimmy even said that he herd you yell at max and tell him that Tyler might have a knife ". He pulls away from the hug and looks at James. He stands up and walks in front of him. " I'm sorry I shoved you away. When they came to take Nat I was so scared. I only wanted you to be close to me and Nat. I knew that you wouldn't hurt us. I just panicked when they rushed their way to us. And then when I was running away from you. I was so terrified that Nate would hurt you as well. He's already hurt so many people in on our group. He- ". James cuts him off. " I understand why you were running away. I was so scared when I saw you walking into deeper water. I was so scared you were going to hurt yourself. You kept saying you should have died. I was scared you were ". James stops talking. He's holding back tears. He didn't know he was that worried for him. He pulls James into a tight hug. " I'm sorry I scared you. I wasn't thinking right. I'm sorry I put you through that ". James hugs him back and starts to cry. " Do you know how much you and Tommy helped me in that moment " he asked pulling away from the hug and looking at James. " Tommy knew exactly how to act when I was like that. And you. When you came to me any time I flinched you would immediately stop until I calmed down and then you continued to get closer until you kneeled down in front of me. You kept talking to me in a gentle voice. You asked me if it was ok to touch me. When I did you held on to my shoulder and started to reassure me. In that small moment I only trusted you to help me take care of Nat. I was going to hand him to you so you could get him help. But then those stupid paramedics and officer came. It felt like you were taken away from me as well as Nat. When they were taking Nat away I thought they were going to hurt him. I thought it was Tyler pulling him away from me. Yet in that moment. I herd you cursing at the officers ". Him and James laugh a little. " For some reason that calmed me down a little bit. Like hearing your voice kept my mind from making me feel like I was in the past ". He feels Nat grab his shoulder. " You protected me so much. You distracted them by screaming. You were so brave for screaming at him like that. Right before I passed out I could hear you screaming. I herd you screaming about P'Max. When I woke up I thought you and P'Max were dead " Nat bites his lip remembering the feeling. He immediately backs up and covers his face. He didn't want anyone to experience that same feeling he felt. " I didn't want you to experience that. I didn't want anyone to ". He moves his hands from his face and looks at the three of them. Zee and James are helping Nat stand. All three look so worried about him. Yet they are also injured. " I f-felt so helpless. I feel so horrible. Why is everyone treating me the same when this is my fault. I don't deserve any of your kindness. I'm just someone worthless that's meant to have no one care about them. " I don't understand. Why does this happen. Why did I get up then. Why does this always happen. I don't understand any of this. Why can't I be happy " He shouts. He sees Zee walk over to him but he backs away. " I'm so scared you'll get hurt. I'm trying to act like we will get better like I will get better but it's not true. No matter where I go I always end up getting hurt and now I've even hurt and scared the people I trust the most ". He continues to shout. The rest of their friends except Max come rushing into the room. He backs himself into a corner. He falls to the ground shaking. He's terrified. He's hurting everyone. " NuNew is mom. NuNew look up ". He hears his mothers voice. He looks up and sees Zee holding a phone. The same distance as they were earlier when Zee first came. On the phone he sees his mother. " I'm on my way with your father. We are about 2 hours away son. We will be there soon. I need you to calm down ". He shakes his head no. " Don't come I'll only make you get hurt. Anyone that comes near gets hurt. I made Nat get hurt. To wake up and feel the same way I did. I made P'Max get stabbed. Everyone else got injured while fighting ". He rambles on and on until he becomes dizzy. He looks around him and he can't really see. His body goes limp and he falls to the ground. He hears shouting and someone grab him. With the last bit of energy he says " Don't come. Please I don't want to hurt anyone else " his voice barely comes out in a whisper before he passes out again.

Word Count: 1963

Just a heads up. I will be making a second book of this one. The next one will be the recovery process and other things as well

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