1:9| Rosephayne ✦ way back home

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Darker than Blanc
1st Life | Daybreak


[1: 9] — Rosephayne way back home

"Are you sure about this guardian?" The bear elder asked cautiously, as they walked through the trail to the hidden sanctuary. Rosephayne held up her hand, shielding her eyes from the bright sun. Spring finally came, and the world was no longer shrouded in the sad shade of grey. She admired the blue skies that peaked through the newly flourishing leaves of the ancient trees. The skies remind her of Thorin.

"Guardian." The elder repeated, and Rosephayne momentarily blinked. She blushed, realizing that she  zoned out while she's having an important discussion with the keeper.

"Yes elder," She nodded earnestly. "I want to register Thorin as a resident of Mystic Forest, if you and the council would approve that is."

The original residents of Mystic Forest was mostly just Rosephayne's ancestors who made a pact with the magical animals that resided here. They were former travelers from the North, who eventually settled in the Mystic Forest after a pact with the animal residents. Her ancestors would maintain an impenetrable barrier to safeguard the forest and the animals lived in harmony with them, sharing food resources.They eventually adapted to this life, and even progressed to making medicines and healing potions from the bountiful herbs of the forest. They eventually gave it to the animals in need, and traded medicine and other fruits with nearby towns.

The barrier was supposed to be impenetrable, but it accepts entry of other magical creatures who seek refuge. That's the main reason why Thorin, with the blood of faeries was able to enter without being fried at the border.

To register a new resident, it usually requires the approval of the current guardian and the representative of the animal council. The current representative is the elder from the bear clan, and just his approval would be tantamount to the approval of the entire animal residents of Mystic Forest. The thing with the animal council is that the representative could decide matters like this on his own. Their mantra was welcoming magical creatures with open arms, so usually the representative could handle it on his own.

Usually, the animals of Mystic Forest are friendly and accepting of other magical creatures. However, it's quite worrying that the bear elder looked like he would say No. In his bear form, he's a lot more intimidating. He halted, turning to gaze down at her with a stern expression.

"Guardian, human entry is strictly prohibited in our sanctuary, and this is a special case since he is a halfling," The bear elder was usually benevolent and a fair leader. Rosephayne doesn't usually argue with the elder since he was cooperative and the other animals of the forest were very kind to her as well, even when her family chose to live on the outside world and leaver her here  to keep their blood pact. She's actually quite scared about the reality that the elder would actually say no, since he wasn't very fond of Thorin.

"I am aware that we live isolated from humans, but you must have heard even from the passing ravens. The humans from far away are perishing from a plague so destructive their skin slowly peels off and their flesh decays. They say it's the work of the devil, the curse of the witches, but in all my years I'm sure of one thing," Her heart was pounding heavily in her chest, because she has an inkling of what he will say next. "And you are aware of it too guardian. The cause is the blood of a glypse. The hatred of the fallen faeries running in his veins."

"Thorin wouldn't do that," She protested. "When I first met him, he was filled with scars and wounds. He's all bones and way smaller for a kid his age. The humans were the ones that harvested his blood, they must have brought the plague on themselves. It's the retribution of the heavens, elder, please consider." She pleaded, remembering the young kid who had the worst of life handed to him.

"Guardian, just why would you want to save that child, who is already so far in the darkness?"

"Because he's just a child, elder," She reasoned. "We've already failed the faeries, this time around, please let's save him." That must strike a chord in the elder. The elder has a soft spot for children, and also faeries. The residents of the Mystic Forest and the bear elder particularly had a close relationship with Faeries, particularly the Scarcelli clan. When her father mentored her as his successor, she learned of the humans purging faeries. They sent a missive to the fae to migrate to Mystic Forest, but they replied stubbornly that they would stay in their respective settlements, and even die there if they must. The bear elder had always felt as if he should have tried to persuade them more, and maybe his dear friends would not have perished.

"Guardian, I will allow it," The bear elder said firmly, and when he uses that tone she's sure there's a condition. "Provided that you ensure that child does not cause harm to the residents of the Mystic Forest under my jurisdiction. You are solely responsible for that child."

"I swear on my name, and the souls of my ancestors," Even the bear keeper was surprised at the weight her promise carried.

"Tsch, to go so far for a child..."

"He deserves to be given a chance elder."

"You are so much like your father. Your irresponsible brother should learn a thing or two from you," The bear elder grumbled. "You should call that kid. I'll be waiting by the sanctuary."

She ran to the path of her hut, breezing past the emerging greenery and the newly sprouting flowers. When she reached her hut, she saw Thorin repotting herbs and carefully patting the dirt. He was so absorbed in his task, he didn't even notice her.


"Ah, Rosephayne," He blinked up at her, before placing the pot on a neatly lined row of newly repotted herbs. "I thought you were discussing with the elder."

"Actually, I have something to ask you. How do you feel about being a member of Mystic Forest?"

He furrowed his brows.

"It's not binding. It's just so that you could enter and exit the borders of Mystic Forest on your own."

"I could already do that."

"It's also so that the animal council couldn't ban you since you're a member. If you're not registered, the barrier would act up and burn you the moment the animal council bans you," She explained the finer details. "Also, anyone who drinks from the sanctuary would always find their way back home to Mystic Forest. No matter how far away you go, you'll always have a home here."

Thorin seemed to be thinking hard about it.

"Oh, you could also understand what the other animals are saying if you get registered."

Thorin had a look that says he doesn't want to understand.

"Ah, geez this kid. If you leave someday, do you not have any thoughts of visiting your master once in a while?" She pinched his cheek.

"Home..." He muttered, while looking up at her with an unexplainable expression. "Alright maaaster," He said in a seemingly sarcastic tone. The way he calls her master always seemed sarcastic. She brought it up as a joke, since he always called her Rosephayne and when he does start calling her master, it was very sarcastic. "If that would appease you. I'd also want to get registered."

She ruffled his hair. "Then let's go, the bear elder doesn't like to be kept waiting."

"Argh, you're ruining my hair maaaster." He pouted, while swatting her hand away. She laughed at his incensed expression. They walked the path to the sanctuary, exchanging banters. It was a nice weather, with the cold snow melting to give way to the season of new beginnings.

She hoped that life would be kinder to this child this time around.

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