7:4| Thaddeus- Pull the breaks

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It seemed there was always a pattern. When he came to, he was already catapulting his power-hungry plans in his next life he had to dig his heel to the ground to slow it down. He was a bit shocked, as after death, after the darkness, he was suddenly- alive, for lack of better words.

As he said before, it seemed there was a pattern. Abel was once again his loyal henchmen slash best friend. Abel was again, cousins with Rosaline and Rosaline La Blanc was once again in love with another man. Then here he is, on his way to being the world's worst nightmare ever.

He wonders, where could the hero and heroine be? Whenever he's up to something bad in any life, they'd come and save the world. Ugh.

There's one thing that didn't change though. Rosaline turned a blind eye to whatever he was doing. She didn't care once again. It was nauseating how she dangles off of Francis Roberts arm like some love struck bimbo, when she's better than that. She also hangs on every word he ways, smiles way too bright and her eyes glitter. It was positively annoying. During breakfast, it's either Francis would go to her table and eat with her, or Rosaline would go to Gerin area and rest with Francis. Then the two would be inseparable, with Francis walking her to every class.

It's annoying. The previous incarnations of Rosaline he remembers wasn't like that.... brainless bimbo. She was always cool and cautious. Like a bloodhound ready to strike or flee given the situation.

But then again, he thought. If it is any consolation, Rosaline and Francis don't end up together for so long. But by then Rosaline would be so in love with the guy, that she wouldn't consider remarrying. He wonders how it would play out in this life, how those two would separate. Does Francis need to die?- that could be arranged but . . .

Did he just see Francis Rosseu sneak off to the empty hallways, with a woman who is not Rosaline?

Thaddeus Rosovsky then briskly walked off the other side of the corridor, feeling crossed. So utterly, infuriatingly crossed. He never thought of Francis before in his past life. He was always just like a figure whom Rosaline lit her unending candle of devotion. Rosaline also spoke very highly of him, as if Emperor Ignatius Thanasis Lobelia can never be half the man that her husband is. She remained loyal to Francois till the very end, despite his constant temptations.

He never met Francois Rosseu in his fifth life as the evil emperor. He was as if an insignificant bug who's already dead-

But he met Francis Roberts. True enough, Roberts was a respectable and kind gentleman. He also helped Thaddeus navigate through the new school as a senior. Although they weren't considered close friends, he respects Roberts to some extent.

Until that respect was snuffed out tonight. What irks him was that Rosaline was wholeheartedly devoted to Francis and Francis was like that, cheating on her.

"Rosovsky, what are you doing this late?" It was Francis Roberts himself who suddenly walked a step next to him, not a hair out of place and looking immaculate as ever. It's as if he wasn't being a cheating bastard a while ago. It was also annoying, how one can't find fault in Roberts' worried expression. It's annoying how one wouldn't find out the fault in that mask.

"It's nothing. I'm wrapping up patrol." He waved a hand lightly, while pointedly looking away. "I caught a few seniors out after curfew. But they escaped." There was bite in his voice.

"You don't look too good."

"I'm not sick."

"Not that."

"Do you mean to imply that I'm ugly, Roberts?" He was a bit pissed, but he tried to rein it in. Thaddeus Rosovsky knows that he is gorgeous, and probably the most desired boy in Marsonya. Dark hair, long lashes and dimples in his smile- girls like pretty things. He had been told how easy he is on the eyes and consequently heard what the women would have wanted to do with him. With his face, everything was easy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18 ⏰

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