6:13| Thomas ✦ a traitor

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6:13| Thomas ✦ a traitor

Thomas thought he was stupid before, but now he was so sure of it. To think he went to that woman, and even spoke to her. That was his death sentence in one go, when his words were branded on her arm.

Soulmate, what an odd thought. He never thought that he had one before, but the new words branded on his arm was a glaring proof of it. If Lady Lora was a comedian then she must've thought of his misfortune as hillariously funny.

Thanasima himself, the very definition of loveless, has a soulmate after all.

That, that woman, she was the fork in all his plans. With just a few words, she turned his life upside down and literally made him question all that he had believed before.

Arcadius Beauregard destroyed his prized scabbard. Maybe he shouldn't have chased that traitor, so maybe, just maybe he never would have met Ruthanne Beauregard.


"Thomas!" From the busy streets of the capital, a shrill voice called out to him. He felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand, and the giddy feeling swelling up in his chest wasn't something he'd expect. His soulmark was also humming peacefully.

He turned around, to see Ruthanne, carrying a basket filled with fruits and bread. Her wheat colored hair— so very similar to that traitor Arcadius— was tied in a braid down her left shoulder. She had that same friendly smile on her pink lips and the same kind bottle green eyes.

He unconsciously frowned in distaste. So this was his soulmate— Ruthanne looked so fragile, weak and breakable. She wouldn't even stand a chance if his enemies went after her. She would die. Her lovely neck could easily snap. She was so so weak. And he hates it. He doesn't need a soulmate. Ruthanne Beauregard was a liability!

"I-I'm so happy to meet you here!" She giggled softly, nervously, a light flush adorning her cheeks. "Why did you run off last time?"

"I had some urgent matters I had to deal with at that time." He replied curtly. In example, having a near mental breakdown after confirming that yes, he does have a soulmate. Okay, a soulmate wasn't a priority in his mind, but sometimes, sometimes he thought of what his soulmate would look like. He thought of her to be a cold, ruthless and powerful queen ruling beside him not ... not a pampered bunny like Beauregard!

"Then, you're not busy now are you?" She held the sleeve on his coat, tugging him lightly and pointing towards a cafe.

Thomas does not know how this happened, but next thing he knows, he is sitting in a sissy cafe in front of Ruthanne by the window. The cafe consisted mostly of couples and teenagers. It was awfully pink and brown, looking like an elaborate cake.

But Ruthanne was happy, beaming brightly. He felt a hand grasp his own in a reassuring squeeze.

He abruptly took his hand back, before coughing. "The menu. What would you like to order?"

"A blueberry cheesecake!"

Ruthanne, was the fork in his plans. He was so close to liberating this world of the unfair predestined halves. People should have a decision to who they chose to end up with. There shouldn't be a divine law that dictates two people to be perfect for each other. Their happiness should not be under the whims of a fickle and merciless goddess,

Why.... why did she have to appear now? He swears he doesn't need her. Just when he finally came to terms with the fact that Lady Lora, the goddess above hates him— why give him a soulmate he doesn't need?

He almost felt guilty, when she looked at him expectantly while handing out a macaron.

He doesn't need Ruthanne Beauregard.

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