7:3|Thaddeus - I'd never notice

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Three months over and he was still nowhere near finding the Fountain. It was calling out to him, and he feels possessed with every hidden meaning he unravels in the paintings.

By fountain, does it mean an actual fountain or is it figurative?

Damn, he tried every drinking fountain in Marsonya Academy and he didn't feel as if he'd live forever. If it is an actual fountain, probably the closest thing would be either in Mystic Forest or the borders of Anamniseis.

It was deemed lost for thousand of years for a reason.

He ran a hand through his dark locks in frustration. Maybe it just was the lack of sleep. He had been volunteering for night patrols after all for better access around the older parts of their school that was the preserved temple.

That was then he heard an ear piercing shriek from the Academic Building's Restroom. Without missing a beat, he swung the wooden door open only to reveal Rosaline La Blanc, screaming at a cockroach.

He was about to interrogate her when she turned to him. He will not dignify that the next high pitched scream came from him. Rosaline, although normally beautiful, looked as if she escaped from a horror movie. Her eyes were bloodshot and she was panting lightly. What was icing to the cake was her face. There was a black cream crusting over her face and her skin looked like it was peeling over- decomposing.

She did not look impressed when she saw him. "Can you like, stop screaming?"

"What happened to your face." It was more of a statement rather than a question.

"Oh it's a face mask," She said cooly, then did the most absurd thing ever. She began peeling the black skin over her face, to reveal the smooth glow that was her usual skin. She looked more like the usual Rosaline La Blanc he was used to than the one he saw earlier.

"Is this some kind of sorcery?" He had his fare share of Solaris Temple dark magic lores before, but this, this was just on a whole other level. Women.

"No. It's a beauty routine," She replied, while patting a bunch of what appeared to be pink lotion on her face. Her hair was pulled back into a messy bun. "It's a face mask, it's supposed to-" then she began her long tirade on exfoliating, moisturizing and all those girl garbage that he didn't even bother listening. "- I mean you're a guy. You wouldn't know."

"By the way, I'm going to report that this restroom is infested by insects," She shuddered at the last part green eyes gleaming in disgust. "Again. And there's no hot water in Aster Hall.. again."

"I didn't even get to kill the cockroach! I'm sure it's hiding somewhere." She sounded extremely disturbed and agitated, and she pointed at a general direction outside, to which his eyes followed.

"Rosovsky, why are you suddenly quiet?"

He turned to her, beaming brightly. This was perhaps the first and only time she saw him genuinely happy. Rosaline looked taken aback and more disturbed than when she saw the cockroach.

"You're brilliant La Blanc!"

"You know what?- I'm not even gonna ask why," She dumped all her beauty products on a small bag he only noticed now and gave him a tight smile. "I should probably go. I don't wanna get caught after curfew." And with that, she dashed away, mumbling something along the lines of this is why girls don't go to the restroom alone.

The view outside the window was Mystic Forest, and even from this distance, he saw a sparkling spring that seemed to glow with the moon.

He packed lightly, essentials as well as flashlight and extra batteries. Also additional water bottles. Thaddeus is determined to do the impossible, and that is finding Emperor Lobelia's Fountain of Life, which was reduced as a mere legend.

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