Chapter One

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Kelley's Pov
I always assumed the inner voice inside my head was oh so quiet. It always seemed that way when I found myself lost in thought, almost like the inner voice was talking back to you. Kinda like when a main character  monologue their entire life. My voice was quiet so I thought during normal school days I would blurt out quite a bit thinking I had said it inside my mind. So it only was correct that I had gotten myself in the situation today.

The library was the area of peace to me, where I would come chill for some peace and quiet. My homework was always done and turned in, so normally the library was just a spot to do extra studying, reading if you will. Or were if you didn't have privacy couples would come in here and make out in the far left corner out of sight from the librarians. Yet the most quiet place became the loudest when any clique made their way in here.

I found my head slightly banging on the desk with a groan, I forget my headphones today, I had such a distaste for Olivia and her best friend Ester. They were the type of girls that grew loud when any boy or crush they had was near them, doing the very loud awkward laugh. In many words of the generation. A pick me I suppose. Even through the large layers of my large black hair I could hear Olivia's hyena like laugh.

I found my eyes staring in disbelief at how loud her voice was growing, echoing around the empty space that separated the three of us.

"You think Ian is gonna throw that party? We need at least one good party this semester?" I propped my hand underneath my chin slightly intrigued, that my inner voice could talk shit in peace. A party would be quite nice, let loose, Ian was what we liked to call the cool stoner/ person who threw parties that had him grounded for weeks. During our freshmen year he threw one so bad that he was grounded for the remainder of the year.

"Ian always throws at least one party each year it's what he is known for Ester, I'm sure it will, when his high ass decides to throw it. Ugh did I tell you Ricky bought me a promise ring! Eek it's so damn cute! He might be the one I swear." I found myself snickering quietly heaving out the thought.  I'm sure she thought the same thing about Josiah.

"Didn't you say that about Josiah before you dumped him for someone else? Or do your lips and legs never stay closed?" I felt my eyes grow so wide cursing my dumbass for never keeping my mouth shut. It was my busy and here I thought I was talking inside my mind. Olivia and Ester both looked at me their eyes wide. I almost was tempted to slam my hand over my mouth in shock.

"Excuse me-  now what the hell did you just say to me?" I laughed nervously for a moment grabbing the hair tie off my wrist to grab all my large hair managing to place it into a puffball like bun on my head.

"Oh nothing, wasn't talking about you." I said through my laughter of course it was too late for that, with her standing up slamming the chair into the table storming over to me. Her voice was raising quite a bit.

"You bitch! What do you know about who I date!"

"Well I mean if the shoe fits-  you date someone every other month. And exclaim all your busy out." I was slightly finding her fuming sight amusing, since I was calm even her friend Ester tossed her braids over her shoulder, brown skin lit by the lights.

"Will you chill out before Principle Wingfield gets on our asses." I felt my body tense up with annoyance speak and he shall come.

"Hey! stop all that noise you are in the library have some respect." I yanked my backpack, so about to take my leave but he placed his body inbetween us all. "What's going on?" The older male demanded looking between us, I gripped at the right straps of the blue backpack my eyes showing boredom.

"Kelley was bullying me!" I stared wide eyed, a low chuckle under my breath leaving me as I sighed no point in hiding it.

"Well Miss Grove is this true?" I shifted left to right finding myself speaking casually.

"I wouldn't say it's bullying I just casually said out loud that she can't keep her legs and lips closed." I snorted loosely laughing under my breath hearing her growl out loudly her hazel eyes snapping to me roughly.

"Inappropriate." He groaned out loudly smacking at his face harsh like.

"To be fair I thought I said it inside my head." I shook with my silent laughter watching him roll his eyes.

"You usually never give me problems Kelley. After school detention." I saw Olivia smirk as she folded her arms looking away her dark brown hair flipping with her body her tan like skin shifted with the lights.

"Oh come on now- how am I gonna get detention for a side comment when she is here yelling and screaming getting loud in a quiet area." I stated out my statement in disbelief, she narrowed her eyes at me. For the most part I ignored her existence we had homeroom together and that was it.

"Don't let it happen again, talk back again and I'll double it this week." I didn't need that right now, I always had to be home just in case my dad was home early from staying out for days on end.

"Yes sir." I grumbled out watching his form move between us. I would say this he is the only principal I ever had know who had walked around the entire school giving out detentions to kids left and right. Olivia was giving me a smug look while I was gathering up my things.

"Maybe next time you'll learn to keep things to yourself." She all but sneered out, I gave her one final look before I flipped her off quickly finding a laugh had left me. Was it worth it? I would say yes in the moment.

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