Chapter Four

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Kelley's Pov
The thought did occur to me quite a few times as I walked the halls with these three heading to the nearest chemistry room on the second floor. Why would I try and stir up even more trouble in detention resulting in more trouble? The running thought was it couldn't hurt to live a little perhaps actually make friends instead of just being there.

I held my arms through the sleeves of my jacket tilting my head taking notice we had stopped by a coupled lockers. Trevor had broke away from us for a moment to head to a locker which he started twisting and turning the lock, Caleb was doing the same leaving me and Sara to lean on the lockers.

I peeked around Trevor's shoulder a faint smile growing on my face as I pointed towards the little logo that we hanging from the inside of the metal space. "Nirvana." I said in a soft tone, he had whipped his head towards me a faint smile growing on his lips.

"You know them?" He questioned in a confused like tone halting his digging into the locker for a second, I once again nodded faintly.

"I know a few songs here and there, good choice in music." I informed him seeing another faint smile grew on his lips before he looked back away from me.

"Yes bitch I found it." Caleb muttered after he had yanked the locker open quite a few papers spilling out, take it he wasn't the organized type. Yet it seemed like he found what he needed, slamming the locker shut, I felt a tug at my wrist seeing Trevor flashed me smile to move along slipping inside the open classroom.

"What exact chemical are you looking for?" Sara whined out her eyes scanning all the labels in the locker up containers, messing around with her nose ring aggressive like.

"Some kind of acid... Trying to make my own kind of ecstasy." Trevor made the quickest face still having a hold on my wrist while we started moving looking through things.

"You need sulfuric acid for that, any other kind could kill someone." Caleb nodded a few times pick locking one of the cabinets as he was looking through the labels.

"And you know this how?" I questioned with light amusement, watching how faintly his cheeks grew a light shade as he turned his head away clearing his throat roughly.

"I like chemistry okay." He said through light laughter, shaking his head quickly a few short times. I said nothing more just grinned casually leaning against one of the the cold desk.

Sara was messing with a few of the beakers before she whipped around to stare at Trevor standing in front of us.

"So Trevor? You said earlier we were just acquainted?" I slightly watched them at the corner of my eye as he lifted an eyebrow her way, before he sighed briefly rubbing at the bridge of his nose a couple times.

"You mean the few times were you came over to listen to music with me? Then yeah Sara cause nothing happened, and it didn't mean much either." She scoffed out yet again, looking at him in disbelief.

Whatever was going on between those two, was most definitely between them both.

"Sara chill the fuck out before you alert the asswipe, do it at your own time." Caleb called over his shoulder at her, stuffing a few things into his hoodie pocket clearing his throat as he fixed up the cabinet door, walking between us all.

"Nothing happened Sara and I need you to remember that." Trevor muttered to her with a sigh, she slammed a few of the beakers into the ground causing them to shattered and break, she shook off the glass pieces that had flew into her palms storming between. Trevor just shook his head a couple times before he had turned to look at me. I held my hands up in defense to show I meant no harm.

"None of my business didn't hear anything." I chuckled backing out of the room slowly he had another smile on his face muttering to himself about how girls were confusing as he followed after me.

"You sure did pick a bunch to become friends with didn't you?" I found myself smiling a bit nodding still walking backwards with his focus on me.

"I would say so yes, but nothing like a few new friends to spice up the year." He shoved his hands to rest into the back pocket of his jeans.

"We are going to roof." Was Caleb's loud exclaim looking back towards all of us. Nothing much more was said between the four of us, once we had made our way to the rooftop, all just enjoying the beating sun that was gonna be setting in no time, taking in the heat and the silence that surrounded us.

"We should like all be friends." I fluttered my eyes open to focus on Sara, watching her fiddling with the strings of her hoodie.

"Agreed." Caleb stared at me, with amusement as he leaned forward a bit to flick my exposed forehead. "You are are quite funny in your own nature Kelley." I rolled my eyes playfully at him. "And Trevor is just dead inside." The male had his eyes firmly closed and flipped off Caleb smiling to himself as he did so.

"We'd be such a group of fuck ups." Trevor fluttered his own eyes open glancing between us.

"Outcast all but what society wants." Sara trailed off pressing her hands to rest on either side of her, glancing towards me, I found myself not wasting anytime to agree with them all finding them all smiling beats me one another, they were malicious or even filled with hate, they were genuine.

"I don't see why not." My phone was the first to be pulled out handing it over to Trevor who handed his own over to me, all of us passing along our phones with ease in the circle to everyone had put in their contact info tossing everyone each their phones one by one.

"In about thirty minutes or so we should head back." Nothing further was said, my eyes lingered on the sun setting over the horizon of the large school building.

So detention wasn't all that bad, maybe only because I had three people in it who had nothing much to loose, they had the idea of fun, and being themselves coded inside of them, and that was something I desperately needed to find within myself.

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