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When we woke up Ryder had to leave, because apparently he had a meeting with someone

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When we woke up Ryder had to leave, because apparently he had a meeting with someone.

Since I didn't want to see perfect family one point zero I stayed in my room and read.

It was past 3pm and Ryder still didn't text me, when he does every day at this time. I don't worry about it, because he is probably busy.

I groan when I realize I need to go to practice. I pack my stuff and leave the house. In fifteen minutes I'm there suffering from the pain in my feet.

After three fudging hours of me suffering I finally go home. I take a shower and wear one of Ryder's shirt. On me it goes mid thigh.

I look at the clock and see it's eight o'clock. Ryder should be here in half an hour. I start another book that he got me and just enjoy reading.


I don't remember falling asleep, but I wake up to an annoying noise. I search around on my table with closed eyes until I find my buzzing phone.

I pick it up and hold it up to my ear. "Hello?" My voice is groggy from waking up.

"Hello miss." A unfamiliar voice speaks.

I look at the caller ID and it says: Grumpy❤️

"I'm sorry. Who is this?" I ask slightly confused.

"Oh, my apology. I'm Ryder's uncle." He says.



Why is Ryder's uncle calling me from his phone. "Is Ryder okay? Did something happen?" I panic.

"Well, you see miss, he is in a bar, shit faced and won't let me to take him home. In fact, he doesn't even let me to take him to my car. His phone was on the counter, unlocked, so I checked if I could call for someone and you were on his emergency list."

He talks way too fast for someone who just woke up.

"Um, can you tell me where is the bar?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I'll send you the location." He tells me.

"Okay, thank you."

"No, thank you."

I hang up the phone and get dressed so fast I'm scared I'll slip, fall on my bones and break one of them.

I climb out of the window and start to jog to the bus stop. I wait like five minutes until it arrives and I waste no time hopping on it.

I can't help, but think about what could be so bad that Ryder got drunk. He never drinks unless something is really messed up.

I'm brought back from my thoughts when the bus stops in front of the bar I rush off and into the bar.

I scan the area and see Ry at the counter with an older man a few feet away from him.

I walk toward him and when I'm close enough I see Ry's blood shot eyes.

"Ryder?" His head snaps up to my face. I go to touch him, but he moves away from me.

"I'm sorry. I'm sure you are a lovely person, but I have a wife." He slurs.

What the-

"Ryder it's me and you know damn well I'm not your wife." He looks me up and down.

"Sorry, don't believe you." He goes to order another drink, but I send the bartender away.

"How do you want me to prove you that I'm your 'wife'?" I ask him tiredly.

"What is something that only you know and nobody else?" He asks.

Well damn, I have a lot of things in my mind.

"You call me stupid nicknames like Sunshine and Angel and it makes me want to strangle you."

"Yep, you are my wife." He opens his arms for me and I hug him.

"Let's get you out of here, huh?" He nods slowly, and I know he's getting sleepy.

I pay for the drinks and put his arm around my shoulder.

The man comes up to me. "Thank you so much for coming. I know it was very random in the middle of the night to get a call, but he wouldn't let me to just touch his arm." He says looking at me and then at Ryder.

"It's alright." I smile at him.

"Also, may I ask for your name. That little pain in the ass has you saved as 'My little Angel'"

I shake my head at Ryder's contact name. "It's Sophia. I'm Ryder's friend." I say as I start to walk out of the place.

I go to his Camaro and set him in the back seat so he can lay down. I'm just about to close the door and sit in the front when he grabs my hand and pulls me back. "Don't leave me."

"Ry, I need to drive you home somehow." I tell him while running my hands through his hair. "Ask uncle Ricky. I don't want you to leave." He snuggles into me and I look at his uncle with a questioning look.

"Get in kiddo, I'll drive." I sigh and sit next to Ryder and he immediately cuddles up with me.

"I'm sorry I ruined your night." I hear him mumble.

"You didn't ruin anything. I was just worried. You didn't text me so I thought you were busy." I say, still playing with his hair.

He lays down on my lap and gives me a lazy smile.

Idiot is still very much drunk.

Uncle Ricky drove back to his house and we get out. "Are you sure it's okay if I go in? You said it yourself that he doesn't allow others over. Well I'm others and above all a girl." I panic.

"Relax, there is no such a rule. I just don't want Johnny around my house. He's noisy."

We walk in and let me tell you that the house is fancy. I help him sit on the couch and look down at him.

"Do yo want to talk about it?" I ask, knowing damn right it's serious reason he got drunk.

"Not today, baby. I want to cuddle." He opens his arms for me. I help him take off his shirt and jeans and go to his room for a pajama pants.

He tells me where his room is and I start walking, but not before hearing something

"Friends, my ass." I hear his uncle grumble under his breath.

His room is white and gray. I take a pajama out of his dresser and go back downstairs.

"Ry, put this on." I crouch down to him and hold the pants out for him. He takes it and pulls it up so it sits loosely on his hips, showing his V line.

Ricky hands me a glass of water and I hold it up to Ry's mouth to drink. He takes a few sips and lays back down.

I take off my converse and lay down next to him on the couch. He puts a hand around my waist and his head into the crook of my neck.

"Goodnight Sophie."

"Goodnight Ryder."

Word count: 1169

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