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Uncle Ricky was here almost every day along with my abuela eve after five months of our little girl being born

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Uncle Ricky was here almost every day along with my abuela eve after five months of our little girl being born. He loved her and Rose loved him just as much.

"Rick, you're going to spoil her." I say in a fake stern tone, unable to hide the amusement in it. He is giving her kisses all over her face that's smeared with chocolate pudding he's feeding her with.

He looks up at me. "And? She needs spoiling." He says as a matter of fact. I shake my head at them and leave them to it while I go to the backyard to search for my husband. I find him with his shirt off, in shorts, working on something, his tattoos on full display.

I walk up to him and wrap my arms around his stomach from behind, kissing his shoulder. "What are you doing?" I whisper into his skin.

He turns around, dipping his head to give me a kiss. "Trying to figure out how to build a pool." He says.

I furrow my brows, looking at our big backyard. "A pool?"

He nods. "My little angel will need one for when she's older so she can swim whenever she desires." God, this man is whipped for his daughter. I pat his back. "Whatever you want baby."

I sit on one of the sun beds and it doesn't take him long before following and laying down next to me. One of his arms go around my waist as I run my fingers through his hair. I kiss his forehead and he closes his eyes.

"I want more babies." He whispers in a daze and my eyes widen.

"Ryder, I just pushed out a whole ass baby five months ago. Slow down a little, will you?" I ask, half jokingly.

He rolls his eyes and pecks my lips. "Obviously not now. But in the future. We're still so young, we can have as many as you just want." He says, getting on his knees before putting his forearms on either side of my head.

"Until then we can always practice." He says in a mischievous tone, a glint in his eyes. I scoff at him but feel my belly flutter with butterflies from how he looks at me.

I nod, pulling up one leg so my knee is bent right next to his hip. "I like the sound of that." I whisper as he lowers his head and kisses me.

My body jolts a little, my hands gripping his hair, my  legs pulling up as his body is between my thighs. He curses under his breath as we start making out on the sun bed until we're both out of breath and pull away, panting.

He swipes at my lips with his thumb before laying his head on my stomach. I exhale and lean back on the bed, running my fingers through his hair just as uncle Ricky comes out with a smiling Rose in his arm.

He casts us one look and scowls. "Horny stupid teenagers." He grumbles under his breath before handing me our daughter. I put Rose on Ryder's shoulders and his hands automatically come up to hold her little back even though he couldn't see her.

I leaned forward and nuzzled our nose together, getting a sweet giggle out of her. I could feel Ryder's lips twitch against the inside of my thigh at the sound, both of us completely in love with our little girl.

She repeatedly opens and closes her mouth so I push down the shoulder of my dress so she can latch on while I rub circles on her little back, my husband gazing at us with light eyes. "I love you, have I told you that?"

I smile and pretend to think. "Hm, no. Why don't you remind me?"

He grins and pushes himself up onto his forearms, kissing the back of Rose's head gently who immediately turns to look at her daddy and smiles which results in her unlatching. "I love you, my pretty girls."

I caress his cheek softly. He helps me stand up with Rose in my arms and we walk inside. Uncle Ricky left a little while ago so it's just the three of us.

We spend our rest of the day with us trying to teach Rose how to sit, and each time we praise her she claps her tiny hands excitedly. We smile at her, showering her with lots of love and affection. Ryder blows raspberries on her belly while I get up to make us some dinner.

We started introducing food to her aside from nursing so I cook meals that she can eat with us. Ryder gets her positioned in the high chair and we sit on both sides of her. I grab the baby spoon and feed her some bites before giving her some water.

I'm so proud of her for drinking so good from a cup. I haven't bought a sippy cup for her yet so she's drinking from a glass one but I always make sure the rim is thick so she can't bite it. That's a real stress right there.

I change her clothes after bathing her and put on a new set of nappy. I give her her dummy and start rocking her in my arms while Ryder cleans up downstairs. I put her in the crib before turning the lights off and leaving the door slightly open.

I sit on the couch and Ryder snuggles up to me as I turn on the tv, draping a blanket over us. We watch our show for some time while softly whisper to each other about stuff before we both start to doze off.

He turns off the tv and kisses my head. "I love you." He whispers sleepily.

"I love you." I whisper back, my words slurred as I immediately fall asleep after that in his arms.

Word count: 982
Only one or two more chapters and then I'm done. I'm really excited cause I have a lot of ideas in my head after this book and my other one. I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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