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Mature content

When we saw my family leave we bid goodbye to uncle Ricky and went over to that house. A soon as we opened the door Ryder turned me around and connected our lips in a kiss. After his suspicions about his dad we talked a little more and didn't notice how fast time passed.

And now here we are, we are falling onto the bed with Ryder hovering over me, our lips locked. I thread my fingers through his hair while his hands hold down my hips.

He doesn't have a firm grip on them so I can still move and I use that as an advantage and thrust my hips upward.

He groans into the kiss and it sends vibration through my whole body. I start unbuttoning his dress shirt while he works on getting my pants off.

After every button I drag my finger lower on his chest until it reaches his abdomen. I can feel him shiver from the touch and it only encourages me to continue.

I detach our lips and place slow pecks on his neck, leaving some marks behind. He pushes his hips into mine and we both moan from the feeling. "Fuck, baby." He rasps.

I throw his shirt somewhere onto the floor and start unbuckling his belt. When I don't have enough space I use every strength in my body and flip us over.

I straddle his lap and easily undo his belt then the zipper of his pants. I look at him to make sure he's fine and find him with his mouth agape, looking at me with wide eyes.

He swallows and opens his mouth. "You're so sexy when you take control." Lifting a hand up, he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. I lean down and kiss him on the lips softly.

"I love you."

His whole face lights up, like every time he hears those words from me.

"I love you more."

I pull down his pants completely and then hesitate with his boxers. He cups my cheek with one hand and caresses it.

"We don't have to do anything. It's up to you, okay?" I nod and pull down his underwear.

"I know. And I want it. And it's stupid since we have already done this, but I can't help but feel nervous."

"Hey, how about we take it a little bit slower, hm? So you have time to decide if you still want to." I nod and he flips us over so now he's on top.

He slowly pulls my shirt over my head, leaving a path of kisses every moment a piece of skin is exposed. Then comes my skirt and then slowly, like he wants to tease me, he pulls down my lace panties.

The lavender set he bought.

"Shit, baby. You look absolutely beautiful in this color." His hands are all over my body. He slowly drags them up until my breasts, gives them a gentle squeeze and then slowly makes his way down until he reaches my hips.

I run my hands up and down his chest, feeling every muscle flex under my touch. I lean up and press kisses all over his collarbone.

He catches my chin between his thumb and index finger and moves it up so I'm looking at him. I give him a kiss as he un-clips my bra and slides. Now we are both laying here, naked.

"Condom." I remind him.

"We don't need that, yet."

I furrow my eyebrows before feeling his fingers near where I want him. He plays with my clit and I let out a soft moan.

Oh, how much I appreciate my parents leaving all the time.

He pushes one finger in me, stretching me out. When he can easily slip in and out of me he adds another finger. He pushes in and curls them slightly. I arch my back and my breast is grazing his bare chest.

"Please, Ryder." He let's out a ragged breath and reaches into my drawer, pulling out a little foil pack. He rips it with his teeth and rolls it on himself.

He stretches his arms out with mine, interlocked with his above my head. He looks me in the eye. "You're fine?" I nod.

"Words, baby."

"I'm fine Ryder. Now please, fuck me." He doesn't waist another moment and thrusts into me. We both let out a loud moan as he moves in and out of me.

I can't help, but clench around him. He groans at the feeling. He leans down and catches my lip in a kiss. He bits down on my lower lip and I part them, he slips his tongue inside and I suck on it.

I squeeze his hand that is still gripping mine above my head and I move my hips so it meets his thrusts.

Fuck, we barely started, but I'm not sure I can hold on for much longer.

He reaches one hand down between us and starts playing with my clit.

"Ryder." I whine.

"I know, sweetheart. I know. Just hold for a little bit for me." He kisses my forehead, not caring that it's sweaty.

He thrusts a few more, grunting in the process. "After this, the next time we are intimate with each other will be in our bedroom." Oh, how I love the sound of that.

His hands travel all around my body, squeezing here and there. He also presses a few kisses onto my skin, making me shudder. I let out more moans and a few whines, which was embarrassing. So I free my hands from his hold and grasp his face between my palms and bring him up to my face, kissing him.

When I sense the built up feeling in my stomach I knows I'm about to finish. And apparently he does too because he slows down his trust.

I let out a groan and I can just feel the stupid smirk on his lips. He leans down and starts nibbling on my earlobe. "Hold it for me, baby. I want us to cum together."

I nod and try my hardest to hold back. He makes it extremely difficult with constant movements on my clit and kisses in very intimate places.

Finally, he gives one more hard thrust before pulling away and saying, "Let it out, baby." And I do. Not long after he follows and finishes into the condom.

He pulls out, discards the condom then scoops me up in his arm. "You did so good, my love." He kisses my temple.

Ryder goes into the bathroom before coming out with a wet wash cloth in hand. He gently wipes me clean, making sure it doesn't hurt. Then he helps me into the bathroom so I can pee real quick.

After I'm done I wash my hands and just about to walk out when Ry picks me up again. I turn and glare at him. "You know I can walk, right?"

"I know, but I want to take care of you." He puts me on my bed and picks out a fresh shirt of his. He puts it on me and I notice he has put on some grey sweatpants.

He tucks me in then kisses me sweetly. "I love you."

"I love you too. Are you not going to sleep?"

He shakes his head. "No, I have some work, but I'll be right next to you, just not sleeping."

I nod, not questioning the type of work he has and drift off to sleep.

Word count: 1176

So I've never wrote smut before so please don't cringe too hard
And also sorry if it's too short.
I also want to thank for reaching over 14k readers, I
really appreciate it.
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Have a lovely day!

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