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I go to my window and climb out

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I go to my window and climb out. I jump and feel strong veiny arms around me. "Got ya."

Ryder walks to his car with me still in his arms. I settle down in the passenger seat and he starts the car.

"Dear Ryder, would you share the information to where we are going?" I ask him, trying to mock his british accent.

"That is not what I sound like."

"Yes it is, now shut up and tell me where we are heading."

"To Narnia." His voice is so sarcastic I want to slap him on the back of the head.

"Translation: This is where I kill you." I speak.

"How did you know?" He gasps.

I flip my hair over my shoulder. "I'm too good."

He pulls up to Taco Bell. "Alright, still the four meat tacos?" He asks. I nod my head still sleepy.

He gets out and goes in the store. I start to look at his phone for music and put on some Taylor Swift. I sing for a solid five minutes until I see him coming out. He gets in the car and hands me a bag.

I happily open it and instead of seeing four tacos, there is five. "Ry?" He hums telling me his listening. "It's five tacos." I tell him.

"I know."

It takes a few minutes until it clicks and I gasp. I mean I hope I'm right.

"Ryder Gray, did you read The Spanish Love Deception and try to copy it?" I ask him actually curiously.

"No." I'm not convinced.

"Well I mean, it wasn't that good since I don't like the whole pregnancy trope, so they screwed it up." I try to trap him with a lame lie.

"There isn't pregnancy in it." He says, but regrets it instantly. "You little-"

"You read it! You read it! You are not a completely boring man!" I scream.

"You tricked me. Come here." He moves forward and tickles me.

I'm laughing so hard, but I don't care. I don't even realize how close our faces are until I feel his minty breath on my lips.

"Do you remember the firs time I kissed you?" He asks in a whisper.

"I slapped you across the face, because I thought it was Dean since he just walked away from me." I respond also in a whisper.

"Well there is no Dean now, is there?"


He looks at me if it's okay, like we haven't done it before, and I nod.

His lips comes crushing down on mine and the sparks are there again. I move my lips against his and I feel his tongue swipe over my bottom lip. I part my mouth for him and he slips in his tongue. We kiss for a few minutes and I'm sure my lips are swollen. When we are both out of breath we pull away.

I didn't notice he has climbed over the console and one leg is between my tighs. He settles down in his seat and we are quiet for a few seconds.

We burst out laughing. "Ah fuck, let's drop that stupid agreement of not doing this ever again, please. Fuck it what Johnny will think." He pleads.

I look at him and find him smiling. A real, beautiful smile. "Alright, if I get to see that smile all the time."

"Deal." He cups my cheeks between his hands and pecks my lips three times. I pull back and I see an adorable pout on his lips.

"How the fuck did I go three years without this?" Yep, our first kiss was when I was fifteen and he was seventeen.

And I don't regret it.


We fall on my bed with our mouths connected.

He sucks on my bottom lip and I almost let out a moan. His lips leaves mine and instead places open mouth kisses on my neck. I take off his shirt and throw it on my floor. I feel his muscles under my hands as they flex.

We both pull away breathing heavily. "I want to kill your brother for so many reasons, but mostly because he is downstairs." He groans and tries to hide the bulge in his pants.

"Not like it bothered you before."

"Take care of it." I point at his bulge and he gets up to go in my bathroom. I hear the shower turn on and I start to think.

He still has that stupid affect on me and it drives me crazy. And I can't even talk to anyone about it, since he is Johnny's 'best friend'.

After some time the shower turns off and he comes out with nothing, but a towel really low on his waist. He is looking at his phone so I can stare at his tattooed body, well fuck that is such a turn on.

"Done checking me out, baby?" My head snaps up to his, but he's still on his phone.

"Nope." He stops whatever he was doing and chuckles while looking at me.

He puts his hand on the edge of the towel about to take it off, but I cut his movements short. "Don't you dare." I warn him.

"Why? Nothing you haven't seen before." He teases me. "Although it might be bigger." He shots me a wink and I feel my face heat up.

"Ryder Asher Gray, stop it right now." I use his full name thinking it will affect him.

It doesn't.

"How much was it, like seven inches? I'm pretty sure I'm at least a solid nine now." He is so fudging cocky. "But you won't know it unless you see it, sooo" He wiggles his eyebrow.

I turn away from him and I hear rustling and then the bed dips.

"Sophie?" No answer.

"Sophieee?" Still nothing.

"Babyy, don't ignore me." I can't help the smile that pulls on my face. He cuddles up with me and I turn around so it's easier for me to run my fingers through his hair. He is only in boxers, but he is still warm.

"It's the best day of my life." I whisper.

"Not mine." Well damn.

"Oh." It slips out accidentally.

"Mine will be when I get to call you my wife for real." The sadness vanishes away as soon as it came.

"Little cheesy."

"Just for you, baby. Just for you." I hear him mumble before soft snores comes from his mouth.

This man will be the death of me.

Word count: 1081

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