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Chapter 14: My brothers head
Song: your power- Billie Eilish (slowed)


"Y/n" I heard someone sing my name across the hallways. My head jerked towards the door, in fear. Looking around hesitantly, I realise instantly that I was in my brothers office.

"What the fuck" I mutter, in confusion and distraught. I look at the desk in front of me and spot the box with the label 'brother' on it.

It's my box!

I ruin towards it, scavenging the bits out of the box when I spot my eyes on a note book. My fingers slip on the cover, opening it up with a small diary print.

'I had reached my first day working on the mystery of the missing kids. Everything seemed perfectly fine, the owner Henry was really friendly and caring. On the other hand, William seemed odd but he was charming in his own way. They welcomed us inside and let us take a look around. We took pieces that could be used for evidence but still nothing was doubt. I went into parts and services room and something awful happened to me. I kept hearing voices. They sounded like children, crying or some may say they were laughing. Something spoke to me though. A little girl kept shouting avenge us. Avenge who? I don't know yet. My co workers looked at me worried as I turned pale from the situation. They told me they didn't hear anything and felt that I was taking too much stress because of my job. Have I gone mentally insane, or is there something off going on'

My heart dropped. My brother had met William and I had no idea. I flick through the other pages, just scribbles of clues and theory's until my heart dropped.

The last maybe 30 pages, wrote avenge us in deep red blood. I kept flicking eagerly to find answer but it was the same sentence over and over again.

I dropped the note book, as I heard the door open to the office room. A yellow bunny came walking in, with a terrifying and devious face. His animatronic arms were filled with blood.

It reached for his animatronic fuzzy head and took it off, revealing my brother was the one controlling the costume.

"Cillian?" I asked, shockingly.

"They said I've gone ill, did you believe it too Y/n?" he asked, a smile appeared on his face. I remained quiet, not moving in fear of the consequences.

Cillian face turned into a frown and he began getting agitated. "You thought I was ill too didn't you? Why didn't you help me Y/n" he screamed, his hands reached for his face peeling and ripping his skin apart.

My tense body wakes up with a jolt. What the actual fuck I thought to myself. I looked around quickly but I soon sighed in relief when I found out I was just in my room and not my brothers office or Williams room.

It was strange though, when I slept at Williams I barely had nightmare. I scratch my hair, yawning in exhaustion. Climbing out of bed, I go into my bathroom to get ready.


After blow drying my hair, from a long shower I decide to place my h/c, h/l into a pony tail. I put on my f/ jeans and f/ crop top. They were the best clothes to wear due to their ability to give comfort.

My shift didn't start till later, since I promised Henry a night shift. I was kind of relieved, I wouldn't have to face William. Or Daphne, let's not forget about her.

Honestly Daphne can have him no problem, I wouldn't have to worry about what casket I want for my funeral.

Placing my white Nike blazers and grabbing my keys, I head out of my front door towards my car. I decided to treat myself to my favourite drink and get grocery since I haven't been home in a while.

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