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Chapter 41: There's always someone behind.
Song: Dark beach- by pastel ghost

"I had a feeling they would bring back this place" I glanced at the building before me. Freddy fazbear's stood in front of me again. But this time it was different. It had the same old bear but with his friends behind him.

The building was huge and looked brand new. No hint of Mold or dust near by. The color purple was painted on the walls, with a tint of lilac on some of the bricks. Maybe it was good the place burnt down, it needed a new clean slate.

"What can I say, we always live and come back" Willian commented. Stepping out of the car, I watch William fish through his keys. Silence stood in between us, only the near by crickets could be heard.

"You know, I didn't want to bring this place back but after Henry died, I thought it was the least I could do for him. I knew it would of been his final wish to see kids 'enjoying' themselves in our creation" William cringed at the word enjoy and kids.

I smile at him place a small kiss on his cheek. "Your not so bad" I compliment. "Learnt from the best" he grinned. It was crazy how only a few years ago we hated eachother and now he even brought the idea of marrying me.

A tint of red spread over my cheeks as I try shake it off. I had other things to prioritise. William held on to a specific gold key and marched towards the door. Placing the key inside the keyhole, it unlocked swiftly, a little click sound followed behind.

William signalled for me to follow him inside. "Is there no security?" I asked, curiously. "That's if Foxy hasn't devoured him" William says without any motion in his voice.

I feel shivers go down my spine, as I follow Williams hand. A loud thud could be heard from a far, like something had fallen. I jump towards William, clinging on to him.

He grabbed my hand, and pulled me further down the hall. The giggles of children could be heard, like it was already 12pm and open with crowds of people. It was discomforting as I have not been here for quite the while.

William suddenly stops in his foot steps, in front of a rather large door. I peep in front of him, to spot the words 'parts and services' written. "Fuck no" I immediately back out. William furrowed his eyebrows.

"It's what you got to do, you wanted this" he replied, reaching out his hand once more. With a quick gulp, I grab on to it and let him lead the way. The room was sort of similar but there was more parts and bits for the animatronics. Newer designs that still looked unsettling appeared in posters and items.

"That's where I put him" William suddenly speaks, pointing his large finger towards the small door at the back. My eyes widen as I glance at the familiar room, where I had met Cassidy before.

"What happened to the golden bear thing?" I asked. The brunette shrugged his shoulders, looking away quickly. I could tell he was lying but why? I crouch on to my knees, and push the door open.

"Are you coming in?" I glance at the man. "I don't think there would be room" he replied, chuckling. I continued to crouch into the dark room. It was pitch black, the only light that shimmered in was the entrance from the small door.

Suddenly a small string hit off my face. I thug on to it, revealing a small light bulb. The light glowed around the room, giving me better knowledge of my surroundings.

"Y/n, is that you?" I hear a voice call out for me. My body felt weak in fear, knowing who was calling for me. "Hello Cassidy" I replied. A small giggle echoed the room.

"I knew you would come back, surprised that your not gone like all of us" Cassidy sarcastically responded. I kept crawling ignoring the spirit. I cursed at how long the small room was, it felt like a vent. "I know why your here, but your looking at the wrong spot" she jeered.

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