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Chapter 25: the end of Freddy Fazbear pizzeria
Song: wolf by Siames

The lights of the building shut down. The power was wasted to its last percentage. My heart races at the fact that William Vincent Afton, was about to kill me. Or even at the fact there was killer animatronics out roaming the building. 

Suddenly, the sound of Freddy's voice box went off. It was glitched, but he still sang his creepy tune. William head jerked towards the stage with suspicion. This was my chance. I pushed my heel towards the direction of the hall and began darting down there.

"Y/n, come back here right now. Don't make me fucking catch you" William shouted furiously, following behind me. The sound of my footsteps running down the corridor echoed, along with Williams sinister laugh.

"Y/n this way!" I heard a small child's voice call out. I look to my corner to see Bonny peeking from the storage closet. Jumping inside, I hide behind the ginormous purple bunny.

"Come on darling you know your not going to win" I hear William singing, his voice inching closer towards the storage closet. I place both of my hands at my mouth not daring to make a sound.

"Cause you can run but you can't hide, I'm gonna make you mine" he continued to sing. I felt Bonny's animatronic began to twitch. The shadow of Williams feet stood at the storage closet.

There was one sharp knock. Then another. The tension was building up, my body began to sweat.

Soon, the door of the closet began to open slowly. Bonny leaps out trying to grasp on to William, screeching. William falls against the wall, cursing to himself. He picks himself up and begins smashing at Bonnies head with the handle of his knife.

I sneak around the corner of the closet, entering the security room. The power was off so there was no use hiding in here. "Don't make me repeat myself y/n. Get back here right now before I slice your throat off" William threatened.

I ran through the other entrance of the security door, trying to find the exit. "Y/n this way, I can protect you" I hear a small girls voice. I stood in front of the bathroom entrance, my body stiff. Please tell me this isn't Cassidy.

I see Chica's scary head pop out of the stall, beckoning me to come inside. The flash back of my dream from a while ago appeared, causing for me to jolt backwards. Just the thought of chica eating my brothers dead body, disgusted me. Slow foot steps caught my attention immediately as they walked from behind me.

I ran into the bathroom stall, closing the door behind me silently. William enters the bathroom stall and sighs. "You really want to throw everything away now? After everything I did for you" he shouts furiously, shoving at one of the bathroom stalls.

I began shaking, frightened for what might happen next. "Oh, pizza!" Chica screams excitedly opening the bathroom stall and going towards the pizza that was on the ground. No no no I thought, panicking. I began to scan for vents or any way out, panicking.

I study the gaps of the bathroom stalls and decided that they were fit to crawl under. I gag at the awful dirty toilet floor as I began to get down. There was pizza slices and even piss on the floor. Daniel you stinky bastard you were on toilet duty I thought.

Before Chica could realise that William was there, she was met with her faith. William pulls out Daniel's old gun and shoots the animatronic in the head damaging Chica's eyes.

Chica fell down with a thud, a triggered scream was let out due to the attack. "Always was a stupid dumb chicken" William snickered. I was met with the last stall of the room.

I did the math in my head on how to get out of the restroom. I have been working in Freddy fazbear entertainment for quite a while so I knew all the out skirts and short cuts.

If I can just run past William in to the stage room again there's an exit at the back stage I thought to myself. Getting myself mentally prepared, I began  counting down to three.


I opened the bathroom stall and rushed out. suddenly my body was pushed against the wall of the bathroom, smacking my head. William towered over me, gripping on to my neck.

"Found you, darling" he grinned. He places a knife towards my stomach, teasing at my stomach. I was done for. I had no escape and this was the way I was going to die. Like I said before, my faith was already chosen and it was to die in Williams arms.

Unfortunately for William, I did not like him winning. I kicked him in between his legs, making him stumble back towards Chica's limp body. "Fuck sake" he cried, with anger.

I ran towards the main stage, where I was before. Freddy sat there sitting with another animatronic beside him. My eyes began to widen when I realised that it was was golden Fredbear.

"Silly girl, do you ever learn" I heard Cassidy spirit whisper. William had entered the room now, his face was filled with disgust and anger. "Gabriel, I need you to help me. I have to get to the back stage" I pleaded.

I heard William clapping behind me. "Y/n, y/n. Do you ever learn. I created these animatronics. I sacrificed so much. You don't think I can't kill my own creations?" He mocked, walking towards me.

"You lost, my love" he announced.

I turn around and saw that Cassidy, golden Fred bear had disappeared. No, she didn't just disappear. She was in this room, hiding. Waiting. I turn my head around with a relived grin.

"William have you ever heard of the word, karma" I ask the serial killer in front of me. William stops in his tracks, narrowing his eyes. "What are you talking about, Y/n?" He asked, suspiciously.

"Well, you may have killed these innocent children, But you also get what you create. You might be able to create and destroy these animatronics, but so can they" I grinned.

Suddenly, Golden Fred bear lifeless body jumped on to William from the shadows. William cried out in fear but also a hint of pain sat on his voice. I ran towards the back of the main stage, jumping on the wooden creaky stage. "Y/n, will you come back to play?" I hear the spirit of Gabriel ask.

I turn around to see the mischievous kid, grin towards me. "Of course, I will gabby" I smile, before leaving the back exit.

The cold breeze hit my skin immediately. My dress was ruined with dirt and cuts and I had bruises, scrapes and a lot of gashes. But one thing I was proud of was that I made it out alive. I knew my brother would of been so proud of me.

I find a golden lighter on the ground, near our smelly bins. Must of been the security guard, he never really came back though. Picking it up from the ground, I dust the dirt off. I snatch the cigarette out of my pocket before lighting it.

Suddenly, i stop in my tracks. I began to smell something Smokey. It was almost as if someone was burning something near by. I turn around and saw that Freddy fazbear pizzeria was on fire. My jaw drops. The golden flames attacked every inch of the building.

All of Henry's even Williams hard work, was gone. No more Daniel mopping the pukes off the floor. No more laiba working at the gift shop till. Even, no more Daphne picking at her nails from the side of the room.

Not only that, the ghost of all five children were now set free. My heart sank as I realised I never got the chance to thank Gabriel and the rest for their help. Maybe one day will be able to play again.

It was burning in front of me like some sort of beautiful art work was captured. I place the cigarette at my lips, lighting it on fire with the lighter I had just found. Taking a drag out of it, I felt a sudden relief wash away.

Suddenly, I heard foot steps come towards me. My cigarette was smacked out of my hand and a black pointy shoe stepped on it. "What did I say if you smoked" I hear the familiar voice of my enemy.

My heart stopped. My nightmares were truly not over.

"Hello love, have you finally come to kill me?" I ask, looking towards William who was covered in smoke and wounds. An angry glare sat on his face but with a grin that literally spelt out 'I win'.

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