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Chapter 19: just like home
Song: Collide by Justine Skye


"No William, I am not letting you take me home" I march out of the entrance of the pizzeria. It was dark outside, but the warm breeze hinted summer. Taking a deep breath, I looked through my bag for my keys.

What the fuck? Where are they? I thought to myself, shuffling through my bag, nervously. "Looking for these, princess" I hear a chuckle behind me. Turning around, I clap slowly.

"Interesting William, I thought you were a serial killer not a thief" I roll my eyes. William lunges towards me placing his hand on my mouth and hugging me from the back.

"Don't you dare, say that out loud" he growled, leaning towards my ear. William let's go and walks towards his car, still with my keys. "William come on" I whine, following him.


"Where are you taking me" I groan, watching him drive past my estate. "I'm taking you to dinner, we have something discuss sweetheart" he grins. I look away hiding my smile. Why is he growing on to me.

"Ooo what's in here" I press open into his glove box. A knife with blood stain appears before me, a small gasp leaving my mouth. "What did you except darling, flowers?" William smirks, parking the car into the diners drive way.

"Could of cleaned it at least" I respond, disgusted. 

It was the same diner Michael and I shared our lovely dessert of Nutella crepes. Maybe William use to take him there in the past or maybe it's just a very popular place.

William places the knife at my neck with force, catching me of guard. The shiny thing stood inches away, teasing my neck. I looked at William who had a sinister grin on his face. 

"William, there's people" I pointed out, my breathing began getting heavier. William ignored what I said and slid the knife down. It reached the hem of my uniform.

The brunette pushed the shirt up with the knife, revealing my bandaged stomach. He frowned, getting his teeth in frustration. "Don't you dare cover it ,Y/n" he reached for the bandage, slowly peeling it off.

I gasped for air, gripped the seat beside me. William hummed, following his initial on my stomach with his finger. "Good girl" he grinned. William got out of the car, shutting the door behind him.

Stepping out of the car, shivers went down my spine. I felt dizzy and weak by the familiar pain once again. "Why can't I cover it up?" I asked, catching up towards him.

William turned his head, sighing. "Because it symbolises that I own you" he responded, turning his head back. I stopped in my steps, realising at what he just said.

William was so confusing. He states that he owns me but usually the whole owning thing only worked in relationships. Maybe I was just too vulnerable or dumb to understand.

William opened the door of the diner, bowing slightly in a joking manner. "My lady" he hummed. His British voice was so delicate that it made the comment slightly cuter.

I roll my eyes ,pushing him playfully.

We head inside the diner, as we were met with the smell of tasteful goods. William leads me to the same exact table as the one Michael was sitting at a few days ago. He slides into the booth, and puts a hand through his hair, brushing it out.

I jump into the booth across from him, picking at the menu. Glancing through it I find my f/ food. "Your going to get the f/food, aren't you" William asked, not looking up from his menu.

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