Dreamnap - Stages of Grief

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----- Shock - Initial Paralysis at the bad news -----

Sapnap was not a jealous person. He was not; or at least that's what he was trying to convince himself of. He had no reason to be jealous, it's not like his best friend arriving in Florida had been the biggest shock to his inner self since he found out he was getting a new sibling many years ago.

The boy was excited and beyond happy to finally be all together but it was different than when he first met George in the UK. He felt like he was excited to see his best friend while Dream was excited to see something more than a best friend. All those late nights he had to listen to them talk and flirt a lot and something inside told him it would only be worse when George arrived.

George had been here for a whole week now and had settled in quite nicely, he was currently downstairs playing mario kart on the switch with Dream. Sapnap knew he could have just gone down there and joined them but it really felt like intruding.

Sapnap had never felt so out of place in his own home other than over the last week. It was not like this when he first visited George in the UK. Then it was all good vibes, fun adventures and best friends. Now it was third wheeling, internal struggles and isolation.

Shock was the only way he could describe what had happened to him. An internal shock that had him shaken to his core.

Before George moved in he enjoyed the small moments with Dream, playing chess, watching football games, eating meals, cuddling on the couch. It was just the two of them in their own bubble which popped with the arrival of their best friend.

Sapnap thought the biggest shock of this whole situation was that George and Dream seemed like they were made for each other. Seeing them interact in person made him unable to be mad at either boy, no matter how badly he wanted to be.

Sapnap really did not want to believe he was jealous. Being jealous would mean he was admitting to being in love with his best friend, something he had tried to shove away for so long. Sapnap was not jealous and he was not in love with his best friend, Sapnap is a liar.

How could he not fall in love with Dream, he was perfect. Everything he did made Sapnap want to swoon, from when he ordered Sapnap a drink on his way home from his parent's home to when he helped edit a video. When Dream would stay up late watching anime with Sapnap when he couldn't sleep; when Dream would bring him a glass of water after staying in his room all day, everything he did was perfect to Sapnap.

Yet he knew Dream could not fall in love with him. He knew Dream was made for George. If this was a story about soulmates Sapnap knew it would be staring them. He had known this for as long as he could remember in their friendship.

They clicked so fast it made his head spin. Even young him was somewhat aware of the fact that this would turn him into a third wheel. He loved George and he loved Dream, they were his best friends, but sometimes it was just so hard to not feel upset about how quickly things changed when George moved in.

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