C!Dream - The Prision Visit

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The lava was slowly falling, the only thing separating Teddy and Dream now was a one block layer of obsidian and some blank space

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The lava was slowly falling, the only thing separating Teddy and Dream now was a one block layer of obsidian and some blank space. Sam told her to make sure she moved with the platform and that he would be back to retrieve her in a few minutes.


    "Yes Teddy?"

    "Has anyone else been to visit him yet?"

    "None other than me and Tommy. I'm surprised you wanted to see him actually."

    "He gave up everything for power, including me. I just need some closure."

    They both paused for a moment. Sam looked at her to make sure she seemed alright before he went to press the button. He saw the girl as a sister and needed to make sure she was alright before letting her go into the cell.

    "Are you ready, Teddy? Just shout when you want to come back."

    "Thank you Sam."

    The two exchanged a smile. Sam had always been kind to Teddy, he took her in when she had nowhere to go after Dream left. Him and Ponk became like her cool older brothers who took care of her when she was in need. She was thankful for them.

    Teddy was careful to step with the mechanism bringing her over to Dream. He had yet to look up and see she was there. It seemed like he was ignoring Teddy, although she assumed he thought she was either Sam or Tommy, he had a better reason to ignore them.

    When the platform reached his cell she stepped off and turned to look back at Sam. After shooting him a thumbs-up she turned around to see Dream again. He still hadn't looked at her.

    "Dream?" Teddy spoke softly.

    That made his eyes shoot up. He was not expecting Teddy to come see him, out of everyone who could have been in his cell at that moment he thought that she was the least likely.

    "Teddy?" He sounded like a broken man.

    It took everything in the girl not to pull him into her arms the minute the lava finished falling and the barrier blocks disappeared. Even if he had hurt her more than anyone else it was incredibly hard to get over the man she once thought she would marry.

    "I just came for closure, Dream."

    Teddy decided that if she had her intentions known from the get go then there would be no room for miscommunication. This was not a reconciliation or a conversation of forgiveness, no matter how much she wished it could be.

    "Closure?" Dream questioned.

    "Yes. I just want to know why you left. I need to be able to move on."

    "Move on?" Dream once again questioned.

    "Yes Dream. Move on." Teddy was trying to sound firm.

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