Dreamnap - Loving ain't easy

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Dream was excited to start the stream only a week ago

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Dream was excited to start the stream only a week ago. The 24 year old wanted the whole world to know about how much he loved his boyfriend. He had wanted the stream to go well, and at the time it seemed like it had.

Three years ago, only a few months after Sapnap moved in, the two boys had started dating. Comfortable, friendly touches slowly turned into meaningful ones of a budding relationship. Their friends had all been extremely supportive but understood the decision to not tell the fans.

The biggest concern they had was the hate they would receive affecting anything. By keeping their love to themselves as well as their closest friends and family there would be no room to mess with their relationship online. They knew that people would be upset if it wasn't Dream and George or Karl and Sapnap becoming an official couple, so they never said anything.

At this point both were considering futures and marriage, although no concrete plans were made on either end they knew that one day they would end up married. Due to this they decided that after three years of dating they would announce it to the internet.

Both had been yearning to tell the world how much they loved the other. They wanted to be able to go out in public on dates, not have to book out a whole restaurant or theatre just to be able to hold hands and kiss out of the house.

After a few minutes of stalling at the beginning of the now infamous stream they got to the main reason, announcing their relationship status. The stream itself seemed to go quite well, not a ton of hate comments (or at least none that weren't deleted by the mods) and it seemed like most were quite supportive of the two.

Dream and Sapnap went on the week after the announcement quite happily, excited to get on with their newly public relationship. Planning their first date where they wouldn't have to worry about being recognized was very thrilling for the pair and it was becoming a reality only a week after the announcement stream.

"Sap are you almost ready, I don't want to be late for our reservations."

Dream had booked a reservation at a smaller restaurant near the park tonight. The two had planned that they would get dinner, take a walk in the park and then hopefully find somewhere for ice cream or a sweet treat afterwards.


Sapnap came running down the stairs, almost colliding with Dream on the way. He was patting his pockets down to make sure he had his wallet and keys before looking up and giving Dream a grin.

"Well don't I have a very handsome date" The compliment made Dream blush. Even after all these years Sapnap knew how to give him butterflies, he loved everything about Sapnap.

The two made their way out to Sapnap's car, starting to make the journey towards the small restaurant only 20 minutes away from their house. Both were beyond excited, although nothing had really changed they both felt like it had. There was far less anxiety about public outings now, it made them both happy.

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