12. Kichi Kinda Likes Cookies

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Kichi came over. My friend. One of the ones that was at that club with me and Gray.

She's really cool. She has really perfect pale skin, dark eyes and long, silky smooth black hair.

She tends to never be able to keep boyfriends- or girlfriends for that matter, for very long. She's kinda always on and off of dating all the time.

One minute shes like 'omg I wanna boyfriend. Even a girlfriend! I just wanna be in love with someone!'

And the next minute shes all like, 'I'm never gonna date anyone ever again. I'm gonna stay single for the rest of my life! Who's needs a relationship? I'll just adopt a bunch of cats and do everything I want!'

Anyhow, she kinda just showed up at my house about half an hour ago. We've mostly just been chilling. Talking about things like how she thinks she might just survive off of hook ups and spa days.

"Ok no but seriously, like I think all I need is a little bit of D and a spa day for myself." She was lying down on my couch, arms in the air, making all sorts of hand gestures.

"Uh-huh, I think you should just do you." I continued trying to put the puzzle that Kichi had pulled out together.

"O.M.G, and you can come have spa days with me too!" She sat up on her elbows and faced my direction.

"When you're not at work that is. You heros always seem to be doing something" she rolled her eyes jokingly. At least I'd hoped it was jokingly.

"Well we gotta keep the world safe. Plus I don't even do that much day work anyway. A bunch of my undercover jobs tend to be week days or nights. And I don't get long cases that often."

"Yea but if you're not working you're studying."

"Well I really need to get this degree." I fought my case against her.

"Stiiilll" she sung her words sweetly.

I do study a lot. But I don't usually get too much work a week. I don't get called on for a lot of undercover work now-a-days. Mostly just been getting called in for a bunch of backup.

"Can we make cookies?" Kichi pulled a nail file out from goddamn thin air and started fixing her nails up.

"Now?" I asked confused at the last few pieces of the puzzle set on my coffee table.

"Yea, like, of course now!" Her sweet voice always seemed so convincing. Sometimes it was a bit scary.

I sat there for a moment looking at the puzzle. There were two pieces to put in... but there was only one piece there.

"Oh yea," Kichi took the missing piece out of her pocket.
"Here, I wanted to see what you'd do. But now that I want something from you I'll give it back." She stated a bit more bluntly than needed.

I cracked up laughing. I grabbed the piece from her palm and placed it in the puzzle slot.

"You asshole! I love you so much!" I shouted still laughing uncontrollably.

"Hey! So are we gonna make cookies or not?" Kichi sat up fully now. Hands beside her and legs stretched out.

I stood from my kneeling position. "Yea sure, why not?" I reached a hand out to Kichi.

A squeal escaped from her mouth. Making my ears cringe. "Yay!"

"I brung a cook book!" I turned around to face Kichi and she had pulled a cook book from absolutely bloody nowhere.

"I- you know, I'm not even gonna ask."

She said nothing but gave me a bright smile. "Let's get bakinggggg"

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