"At least act like you care."

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JJ walked around the beach handing girls beers. Lori and Kie laughed and danced. "Any guys interest you, Lor?" Kie giggled. "Unfortunately for these simple men, my standards are too high." Lori said in a British accent. "That was a good accent." Kie laughed. "Thanks." Lori laughed back. People cheered and yelled. "Ugh, why is it so loud?" Lori complained. "It's party, Lor. Remember the Kook parties?" Kie asked, rolling her eyes. 

"Oh my god, don't even get me started on those." I groaned. Someone shoved Lori, Kie grabs her before she can fall. "I-I think I'm gonna go for a walk." Lori whispered. Kie nodded, understandingly. (Lori was abused and mistreated by her stepmother and step sisters so she doesn't really like loud parties.) Lori walks away towards the more deserted area of the beach.

A few minutes later, JJ walks over, looking drunk and happy. Lori giggles. "What's up with you, Mr Sunshine?" She giggles. "I just met the most amazing girl...Ever." JJ giggles. Lori's facial expression changes. "Oh." She says. "At least act like you care." JJ mumbles. "I'm sorry." She says. "Well sometimes, sorry isn't good enough." JJ says, drunkenly. Lori sighs and nods before leaving. 

JJ runs past her. She sighs and looks away. She hears a commotion. Then the voice of Topper yells, "Dirty pogues!" Lori runs to the crowd. Topper is drowning John B. "Topper stop!" Lori cries. "Top!" Sarah yells. Lori looks over for a split second to her and Kie's former best friend. JJ runs up behind Topper and pulls out the gun. The safety bit clicks off. "JJ!" Kie yells. "Dude." Pope groans. "You know what that is, buddy." JJ taunts Topper. 

Topper reluctantly stops and stands up with his arms above his head. "Jeez man, no drama." Topper whispers. JJ starts firing the gun into the sky. People scream and run away. "Kie, Lor! Control your psycho friend please!" Sarah yells. "How bout you shut up and control your psycho boyfriend, bitch!" Lori yells. "Get off our side of the island!" JJ yelled. He released a few more.

"Stupid!" Kie yells. "We were supposed to lay low." Pope muttered.


We all sigh. "Great scene guys. That's it for today." Josh said, clapping. "Wooh." Austin (Topper's actor) sighs. Rudy jogs up to me. "Hey Y/n. Uh about yesterday-" He starts. I cut him off. "We were just practicing the kiss scene. It's fine." I said. Rudy sighs. "Y/n, you know it was more than that." 

I shake my head. I grab Rudy's wrist and walk over to a less open space. "Rudy, you have a girlfriend." I sighed. "Yeah. I know." He sighed. "Well, I'll break up with her. Or say something like I did love you but not anymore." Rudy rambled. "Harsh." I said. 

"I-I'll think of something, Y/n." Rudy sighed. "I'm not letting you ruin your relationship with Elaine because of a girl you met 3 days ago." I whispered.  "But I do." Rudy whispered. He leaned in so our foreheads touched. "Come on, Cinderella." He sighed. I laughed softly at the name. "I'm gonna break up with Elaine. Then let me take you out after filming tomorrow." Rudy said. "Fine." I smiled, not being able to resist.

He smiled. He kissed my forehead and walked away. And I just stood there like a smiling idiot.

His Cinderella - Rudy Pankow x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now