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"Goodmorning everyone!Today we have a another teacher who will help me.",Wonwoo announced to his students as Mingyu walked in whilst waving to th children.The kids cheered and jumped in excitement in seeing the taller again."Yey!More cupcakes!",one of the kids beamed."Why is uncle Mingyu here?Is he going to be our teacher too?",Junhyung asked whilst scratching his face."Your uncle will be my assistant!You can call him Teacher Mingyu while at school.Ok?",Wonwoo answered as the boy nodded his head."You guys can ask questions to Teacher Kim while continuing our class.",the older added.

They are doing arts and crafts so the students and the two teachers wore an apron so their clothes won't get dirty."Uhmm...Can you help me tie my apron?",Wonwoo asked the younger shyly whilst fumbling with the strings."Ofcourse hyung.Turn around.",Mingyu said and the older followed.The kids squeled and teased the two adults which the taller enjoyed.The older was discussing about how to color different things whilst the younger was busy helping the children.

The arts and crafts was finally done and Wonwoo was helping the children paste their artworks on the board whilst Mingyu slept on one of the student's chair.It was small and the older didn't know how the younger can still sit on it and sleep.An idea went on the older's smiled and he signalled the kids to be quiet."Children...What do you think of painting on Teacher Mingyu's face?",Wonwoo whispered whilst walking towards the taller quietly.The children eagerly nodded and covered their mouths to prevent noises on coming out.

The older took a paintbrush and dipped it on the paint.As the brush was coming closer to the taller's face he opened his eyes and pulled the teacher towards him.Wonwoo landed on Mingyu's lap whilst he held him and the paintbrush on the older's hand dropped on the ground."Aigoo~Naughty Teacher Jeon.",the students laughed at the taller's words.Whilst the older was blushing hard,the younger stared at him in victory.

Wonwoo hastily stood up from the taller's lap and rubbed his hands on his apron,still flustered.Mingyu on the other hand stood up and grinned widely but his cheeks and ears are red."Teacher Jeon and Teacher Kim are red!HAHAHAHA!",one of the students commented innocently and the others laughed together with him."Kids...I think we should continue in cleaning our mess and post your artworks.",the older spoke whilst hiding his face from the younger.The children followed and already forgot about the incident from earlier.The parents started to arrive and are waiting outside,indicating that the class is ending soon."Goodbye children!",Wonwoo waved at his students who waved back at him and their other teacher.

The two went inside the older's apartment(you heard that right,my guy always comes home to Wonwoo's house as a habit) after dropping Junhyung home."Shut up about it!",Wonwoo stopped Mingyu who was opening his mouth before he can speak.The taller closed his mouth and formed a teasing grin.The older ignored it and went to his bedroom to change."Hyung~You don't have to be shy about it you know?It's normal once we get married.",the younger continued and was greeted by a pillow on his face."It was embarassing!And infront of the kids!?I'm mad at you so get out.",Wonwoo sulked and pointed the door whilst pushing the younger."Ouch...I'm hurt but...See you tomorrow!",Mingyu replied in a hurt voiced and clutched his heart before walking outside of the older's home.

Once the younger was gone,Wonwoo decided to clear his mind and went to a park near the apartment block.Whilst walking toward the playground of the park,he saw a guy crying on a swing with a ruined bouquet beside his feet.He took a napkin from his pockets and went towards the crying guy and offered it to him.The guy raised his head and reached for the napkin as he saw it."Whatever you're crying about...I hope you will move on from it.",Wonwoo told the guy who continued crying and wiping his tears on the handkerchief."My...My soulmate...She rejected me...She went with another guy...",the guy cried.

Wonwoo sat on another swing beside the guy."I guess that sucks than not having a soulmate.",he commented as the guy stared at him in disbelief."You don't have a soulmate?",the guy asked."Yeah...",he confessed,he didn't care about what people would think about him once they know the truth.As long as he have Mingyu by his side and won't leave him,he is fine."I...I'm Michael...You can call me Mik for short...",the guy introduced himself and offered his hand to Wonwoo."I'm Wonwoo...Nice to meet you.",he spoke and took Mik's hand for a handshake.

"Thanks for this...I'm gonna keep it since it's full of tears and snot now.",Michael tried to joke about the napkin and Wonwoo laughed."Yep.You can keep it...Hahaha",he replied."And also thank you for giving me company and making me feel better.I hope that I can see you again Wonwoo.",the guy thanked and stood up whilst Wonwoo nodded."See you!",Michael yelled to him whilst waving his hands.He can't help but smile and wave back to the guy.He kind of reminds him of Mingyu.

At the mention of Mingyu,Wonwoo suddenly felt his cheeks heat up and covered it.Rain suddenly started to pour and he didn't care about getting wet and sick later.He stayed and enjoyed the rain falling on his face.He opened his eyes once the rain suddenly stopped and an umbrella was on top of him."Aigoo...Hyung?Are you trying to get sick?Do you want me to take care of you?",Mingyu scolded him.They just stared at each other with smiles on their face.Definitely too whipped for each other to care about the rain.

▪︎To Be Continued▪︎

Since maannecraves wanted some angst and LizaAndallo wanted it to be fluff...

How about give Mingyu some competition for Wonwoo's heart?But who is it tho?🤔🤔🤔

🐱🐶▪︎Soulmates By Choice▪︎🐶🐱 [Meanie/Minwon]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon