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"Papa!",Wonwoo heard his son call him with a cry.The boy rushed towards him and hugged him immedietly."What's wrong?",he asked as Mingyu appeared and looked at Gyuwon with worry."You and dad are not soulmates!",the boy cried as Wonwoo wiped his tears."What made you say that?",Mingyu asked as sat next to his husband."I saw grandma Kim having grandpa's name on her arm and she said that its a soulmate tattoo.She said people have that so they can find their soulmate.But you and papa don't have each other's name!You guys are not soulmates!",Gyuwon explained as his parents went to hug him.

"Gyuwonie.Papa and I don't need to have each other's name on our wrist to tell that we are soulmates.Actually we don't have those and that's what made us together.",Mingyu told his son as the boy calmed down."Am I gonna have it too someday?",Gyuwon asked with excitement in his eyes."Yes!",his parents answered in unison."Now...Do you want you dad and I to treat you an ice cream?Let's go!",Wonwoo offered as he picked his son up and went outside with his husband trailing after them.

"Gyuwonie,stop taking big bites.Gosh,you are like your dad.Wait,I'll wipe your face.",Wonwoo complained as he wiped some ice cream off of Gyuwon's face who only nodded."Hun?What about me?I have some on my face too...",the older turned to his husband with a glare as he threw a tissue on Mingyu's face."See that Gyuwon?Your papa is mean to me.",the younger pouted as he told his son who just kept on eating ice cream.

"Oh?Aren't you the soulmates I met at the mall years ago?Aigoo~You guys have a child already~Time really flies by~",an old lady suddenly walked on them whilst they are eating."Hi auntie!I'm surprised you recognized us.",Wonwoo replied as the lady turned her attention to Gyuwon."What a cute boy~Kinda looks like you.Hehe!",the lady commented as she pointed to Mingyu who grinned."I just have the best genes auntie.",the taller boasted as Gyuwon shaked his head.

After they finished the small chitchat with the lady.They bidded their goodbyes and left the ice cream shop.Where Mingyu and Eunwoo had their reunion years ago."Dads!Can we go to Hanseung hyung?I wanna play with him!",Gyuwon suddenly asked as his parents nodded."I thought you don't want to see him anymore because he kept on stealing papa?",Mingyu asked as the boy pouted."I'll steal uncle Jeonghan too!",Gyuwon responded as he made his hand into a fist."Is it ok if we drop you there?Your papa and I would like to have another date.",the taller asked as his son nodded with Wonwoo staring at him,confused.

"Bye Gyuwon!",Mingyu waved goodbye as his son waved back happily."Mingyu.Why do you want to have another date again?",Wonwoo asked as he was pulled by his husband to the car."Why?Can't take my husband again on a date?Plus I wanna go to that art museum Minghao showed me.It's best for dates.Let's go!",the taller answered as he started the car.The older just smiled as he turned his attention outside the car as his husband drove.

"Hun.Stand there.I'll take a pic of you.",Mingyu spoke as Wonwoo followed and posed just like the one on the painting which made the taller chuckle."It's my turn.",the older stated as he took the camera from his husband."Wah you look-",he was about to compliment his husband but was cut off by a ring on his phone.The younger looked at him confused as he answered the call.

"Mingyu...I'm sorry...I have a meeting to attend at school.They expect me to be there...I'm sorry...Let's continue this next time.",Wonwoo announced after he dropped the call.He felt bad as his husband's face fall into an upset expression."It's ok.I'll drop you off.",Mingyu offered but he refused."I think you should just enjoy yourself here at the museum.I'll go on my own.Love you.Bye.",he rushed and placed a kiss on his husband's lips before he drifted out of the place.

Mingyu was currently outside of the museum.Looking at the pictures he took and imagined that Wonwoo was there.He definitely want to murder the headmaster of that school.He drove to Jeongcheol's place to pick his son up."Gyuwon!It's time to go home!",he called as he saw his son running towards him."Thanks for taking care of Gyuwon.",he thanked the couple and Hanseung as they bidded goodbye.Not asking,where Wonwoo was."Dad?Where's papa?",Gyuwon asked as he started the car."Oh...He just went to a meeting at school.",he replied as he saw his nod.

Mingyu and Gyuwon arrived at their home and saw Wonwoo waiting for them.It looks like he also just arrived."Hun.You're done with the meeting?",the taller asked as his husband nodded."I'm planning to watch a k-drama with you two.I felt sorry for leaving you in our date Gyu.",the older offered as the younger grinned and agreed on that idea."Yey!",Gyuwon beamed as he ran and went first to pick his spot on the sofa.

"Papa!The bullies are so mean to her!",Gyuwon pointed as he told his father."Don't worry Gyuwonie.It's just acting.I'm sure the bullies are gonna be good soon.",Wonwoo explained as they continued to watch."Hun?",Mingyu called as the older turned to him.He suddenly caught the older off guard by kissing him.Gyuwon was in between them and gladly,focused on the screen."Gyu!Our child is here!",Wonwoo scolded him as he pouted."Dads?Hanseung told me that he is gonna be a big brother soon.",Gyuwon started as his parents listened to him.Jeonghan was actually six months pregnant now."I also want to be a big brother.And I want a sister.",the boy asked whilst Mingyu grinned as Wonwoo glared at his husband.

▪︎To Be Continued▪︎

Last chapter is next:')

🐱🐶▪︎Soulmates By Choice▪︎🐶🐱 [Meanie/Minwon]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon