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Wonwoo woke up with a headache and all he could think was Mingyu.'What happened?My head hurts...Where's Mingyu?',he thought whilst rubbing his forehead and sat up which made it worst.The door of his room opened revealing the younger holding hangover soup.He gave the younger the spare key for his apartment."Hyung!You drank too much last night.Here eat this.",Mingyu spoke and sat next to him whilst handing him the soup."I cooked it!",the younger stated.

Mingyu noticed that Wonwoo was just staring at the soup."Want me to feed you?",he asked in a teasing manner and saw how the older immedietly took a bite with red cheeks."Well...I'm going to substitute for your class since I told the headmaster that you're sick.",he mentioned and the smaller turned to him."I can still go you know!It's just hangover!It will go for awhile!",the older told him and Mingyu just smiled like an idiot which made the other confused."You have something here...",he spoke and wiped the mess on Wonwoo's lip.

Wonwoo's eyes widened and turned his back to the younger,trying to hide his flustered face."Don't worry hyung!I'll handle your class!You know that they already like me!",Mingyu spoke with confidence and posed in a flamboyant way which made him laugh."You're being a Mingyu right now!",he commented and the younger turned to him with a smile."Handsome?",the taller asked."Overconfident idiot!",he teased which made the younger pout.

Mingyu smiled and watched Wonwoo eat the soup he made.He suddenly remembered he had work and immedietly bidded goodbye to the older.Unknowingly kissing the older's forehead because of the rush and went out.The older's cheeks and ears turned red.'Idiot.Idiot.Idiot...',Wonwoo chanted in his mind whilst holding his forehead.Meanwhile,Mingyu finally noticed what he did and he grinned widely.'We're like husbands.',he thought which made his heart almost come out of his chest and went inside his car.Still grinning widely like a whipped man/husband.

"Teacher Kim!I got glue on my hands!",one of the students called to Mingyu and touched his pants with the kid's sticky hands.He grimaced whilst wiping the kid's hands with a wet tissue."Teacher Kim!",another student called and so on.He can't believe how Wonwoo deals with his students.He's definitely just gonna settle in two kids with the older.The thought made him grin and didn't even care if the children would find him weird."Ewww!!!Teacher Kim is thinking about Teacher Jeon!!!",Junhyung mentioned as the kids laughed and he scolded them to be quiet.

Wonwoo went to the park and saw Michael already there.The latter smiled and immedietly greeted him.He just answered with a smile."So...You already decided?",Mik asked whilst expecting a yes."Michael...",he started and he saw the latter's eyes sparkle with expectations.Which made him feel terrible to reject the guy."I think...",he continued.

Mingyu drived out of the school exhausted.Dealing with many kids are a handful.He sighed and drive passed the park.He noticed at the side mirror a figure similar to Wonwoo's with another guy.He immedietly stepped on the break and went out.Hoping that it's not actually the older and forgot about the growing jelousy inside of him.After coming closer,he easily identified it was actually the older.The guy held his Wonwoo's hand and stared at him with an inlove face.Making him feel rage.

"Who are you?Why are you touching him!?",Mingyu interfered and pulled Wonwoo away from Michael."How about you?Who are you?",the other spat."Mingyu-",he called and tried to calm the younger but was only pushed behind by the taller.Hiding him from Mik's view."So...Mingyu is your name huh?Well I'm Michael and I don't care about whatever your relationship is with Wonwoo.",Michael spoke which made Mingyu punch him in his face.

"Oh?So you wanna know who am I to him huh?Well I'm just someone close to him and don't you dare lay any of your filthy fingers on him!",Mingyu yelled at Michael who was in pain."Mingyu stop!Let's go!",Wonwoo called and pulled the younger's arm who was still in his position."That's it?I'm still going to court Wonwoo whether you like it or not!",the other answered stubbornly with a glare.Mingyu was about to punch him again but was successfuly pulled by the older away.

Mingyu waited until Wonwoo entered his car whilst glaring at Michael who was still on the floor.He went inside the driver's seat and immedietly started the car.The two didn't spoke a word.The silence was awkward and intense."A-about that guy...He wa-wanted to-",the older tried to explain but was cutted off."I know and don't care...You can date him if you want...You can choose him if you want...Who am I to you anyway-",the younger rambled but was silenced with Wonwoo's lips on his.

Mingyu stopped the car(since you don't want to have an accident whilst kissing hehez).He widened his eyes whilst watching Wonwoo who's eyes was tight shut.The older's hands was on his shoulders and immedietly moved on top of him.He closed his eyes as he placed his hands on the older's waist,pulling the other closer and answered the kiss.They continued and stopped everytime they needed air for awhile(I don't want to put full details●<● sorry).Until a honk from the car behind startled them.

Mingyu started the car and the awkward silence started again.They finally arrived at the apartment and the car came to a stop.Wonwoo was about to open the car's door but it was locked making him turn to the younger."You can't just kiss me without an explanation.",the younger teased whilst leaning on his seat with crossed arms.The teasing grin was on his face but his eyes showed that he was flustered.

▪︎To Be Continued▪︎

Kiss again!Kiss again!Just kidding😂😂😂
Not me being a fan of my own story.

Maybe I should add what they look like in this story because it's getting hard in trying to describe who is who since we are having a third party.😅😅😅

🐱🐶▪︎Soulmates By Choice▪︎🐶🐱 [Meanie/Minwon]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon