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"Awww...He's so cute~"

"He kinda looks like the baby version of Mingyu."


"Where did Wonwoo's genes went?"

"I guess Gyuwon was just a carbon copy of Mingyu."

Hushed whispers were heard as the grandparents surrounded the crib whilst Gyuwon was sleeping peacefully.Its been a month since the boy was born."He really looks like his dad.Maybe Wonwoo's features would appear soon?",Mrs. Jeon reassured herself as she fixed Gyuwon's pillows."Yup!I heard that first born children always looked like their fathers.",Mrs. Jeon nodded in agreement from Mrs. Kim's statement.Minutes later the parents of Gyuwon went inside the nursery."Oh...Bye Gyuwonie~Your papa and dada are here~",Mrs. Kim bidded goodbye as the grandparents left the family have their own time.

"Gyuwon-ah why did you inherit every features of your dad?",Wonwoo whispered whilst watching his son sleep peacefully."Because his dad is handsome.",Mingyu went to his side and wrapped his arms around the older.He rolled his eyes then Gyuwon started to shift and let out a cry."Shhhh...Papa and dada are here.Don't cry.",the older held his son in his arms as he lulled him to sleep.The younger can't help but smile whilst staring at his husband and their son looking adorable.A click and flash of a camera startled Wonwoo as he glared at his husband who was scrolling through his phone,looking at the pictures he took."So cute!",Mingyu stated as showed his phone to the older.

"Mingyu you already had many photos of Gyuwon and I.How is your phone's storage keeping up with that?",Wonwoo replied to him whilst putting the sleeping Gyuwon slowly into his crib."My phone is never going to be full of our memories.But my heart is already full of only you and Gyuwon.",Mingyu answered and flashed a cheesy grin."I kind of think there is still an available space in my heart.Maybe add another one?",the younger continued and minutes later he found himself outside the nursery."Hon.I'm just kidding.We can wait for Gyuwon to grow up and let's give him a sibling.",he suggested but he didn't receive a reply from his husband."Son?We heard what you said.I'm kind of surprised Wonwoo had to put up with your cheesy lines.",his father appeard and patted his back whilst holding a laugh.He just pouted whilst waiting for Wonwoo to let him in the nursery.

Finally,Mingyu was allowed in the nursery again.He was currently observing Wonwoo feeding their child with a nursing bottle.The older smilling fondly at Gyuwon who was looking at him with curious eyes.Without thinking his lips lifted up into a smile."Do you want to hold Gyuwon too?",the older asked as he eagerly nodded.Gyuwon was handed to him and he smiled wider.He remembered when he held his son the first time.He was almost about to faint again as he was about to burst in happiness."Are you considering of having another child right now?",Mingyu asked boldly and out of the blue so he was kicked out of the nursery again.

"Congrats on having your first child!",their friendgroup congratulated them as they thanked them."I'm glad you two handled parenting well.",Jeonghan stated as they nodded.They are currently hanging out at a resort with their children ofcourse.They also hired babysitters to take care of their children as they enjoyed the short vacation.And surprisingly Gyuwon had four babysitters which showed up and begged Wonwoo and Mingyu to hire them and they would do it for free.The children are playing around the resort with their babysitters trailing."Am I invited as a babysitter here!?How dare you guys!",Chan yelled at them whilst the Seoksoo's daughters clung to him,well the girls actually grew a liking to their uncle."I can help you with these adorable girls.Since Gyuwon was being taken care by my sister.",one of Gyuwon's babysitters offered as Chan didn't think twice to accept it."Thanks.",the maknae thanked as Anne nodded with a shy smile.

At night everyone cheered as they helped themselves with alcohol."Aren't you gonna drink hun?",Mingyu asked as he offered his husband his cup who refused."I wanna be sober.Don't mind me and just drink.",Wonwoo reasoned as he stared at Gyuwon's babysitters taking care of him.He can't believe a one month old baby needed four people to be taken care of.Hours later everyone was  drunk except Wonwoo,Minghao and Jihoon who didn't take shots or drank."Cheers for Chan who didn't have a lovelife or a child!",Seungcheol teased as the maknae glared at him with a pout."Just wait until I find myself another soulmate and I will kick your asses!And even have a better relationship than you guys!",Chan rambled as he laid his eyes on one particular person."Wooooohhh!!!We can't wait Channie!!",Soonyoung yelled and stood up on the chair with Jihoon trying to pull him down.

The next morning came and those who were drunk woke up with a hangover.Mingyu was forced to make himself hangover soup.They are already at home since they left the resort earlier than their friends."I can help Gyu.Just tell me what I can do.",Wonwoo offered whilst the younger refused."Don't worry.My hangover isn't that bad.Go check on Gyuwon.",the younger answered as the older nodded and went to the nursery room.Gyuwon was already awake and only stared at the ceiling whilst playing with his foot.He smiled when his saw his papa enter the room."Awww...Is Gyuwonie happy to see me?",Wonwoo cooed as he raised Gyuwon in his arms.The boy spoke inaudible words and wrapped his small arms on father/mother's neck.

"My babies~",Mingyu cooed as he approached his husband holding their son in his arms."Are you done with your hangover soup?",Wonwoo asked as he felt the taller's arms around his waist."Yup!Ate it in one gulp since I wanna see my husband and son.",the younger answered.

"Are we gonna give Gyuwon a sibling soon?"


▪︎To Be Continued▪︎

Took me long to finish this:')

I had another book in mind since this book is gonna end soon...I'm gonna miss this oneT^T

🐱🐶▪︎Soulmates By Choice▪︎🐶🐱 [Meanie/Minwon]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon