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Wedding day...

Wonwoo was holding his bouquet with a frown whilst his dad was crying infront of him."Aigooo~My son is getting married...I thought you would end up alone because you didn't have a-Ow!",before his father can finish his sentence,he was slapped on the shoulder by his wife."Don't mind your father.He is just getting emotional....But after you got married with Mingyu...Once you two started with your married life...Make sure to update us if he did anything wrong ok?If you ever needed help,your dad and I are always here...",Mrs Jeon spoke whilst she caressed his son's face who nodded."Mom...Why are you crying too?",Wonwoo stated as his mother wiped her tear."I just can't believe my son is getting married...Even though it was my plan...But you're marrying the love of your life right?Now give me a hug before we escort you to the altar.",the Jeons hugged each other then all of them bursted in happy tears.

"Ma...What if Wonwoo suddenly didn't want to continue the wedding?What if he had second thoughts?",Mingyu asked whilst he was fixing the bow on his black suit,almost covered in sweat because of nervousness."Calm down son.Stop thinking about those things.Wonwoo loves you so much to ditch the wedding.Now once the wedding is done.Make sure to treat each other well ok?Now give mama a kiss!My big baby!",Mrs. Kim comforted him and cooed as she started giving his son kisses on the cheek."Everyone!The wedding is starting!",the wedding planner called as everyone positioned themselves.

Their parents decided with a beach wedding with rose quartz and serenity theme.Mingyu was already waiting at the altar with Seungcheol,his bestman at his side.Jihoon started to sing as Wonwoo started to walk down the aisle with his parents.The taller's heart started to flutter at the beauty coming towards him.His soon to be husband was wearing a white suit similar to his partnered with a veil.The blonde haired male's parents handed their son to him."Take care of our son.",Mr. Jeon told him."Yes you better be.",Mrs. Kim deadpanned which made him gulped and nodded.

The ceremony started until it's time to say their vows."Wonwoo-yah...My boyfriend for five days...Now soon to be my husband...I felt love at first sight when I met you...But myself thought that I can't have you since you had a soulmate while I don't and hopeless.Well I think fate was on our side because despite the world we live where soulmate tattoos are important to find your other half...I found you,who had a similar situation with mine...We even revealed that in a funny way...And when I started courting you...We kinda acted like a couple without the skinship part.Your parents visited unannounced with me in your appartment,I even got accused as an intruder...That's when you finally told them that we're together and I became your boyfriend...It surprised me when you started to get clingy with me but who am I to not like it?Five days later your mom proposed for us to get married.And here we are!Also kudos for you auntie!Now...As your husband...I will take care of you,love you and always put you first before anything...I love you Jeon Wonwoo...",Mingyu vowed as Wonwoo wiped his tear and smiled brightly at him.

"You definitely told our story which is I would tell in my version...Mingyu-yah....The person who gave me hope and made me feel like I have a soulmate...Which I think you are actually my soulmate except the soulmate tattoo maker forgot to put our names on each other's wrist...I actually fell inlove with you when we turned into friends but I was just indenial...I'm really glad that after we revealed that both of us didn't have a soulmate,you started to court me...And please don't mention who I was jelous with...You became my boyfriend after your long wait and finally we are getting married after five days of relationship...Mingyu...As your husband...I'll make sure to be the perfect spouse you will have and spoil you with lots of love.I love you Kim Mingyu~",Wonwoo vowed as everyone cheered at them.

"I now pronounce you as husband and wi-husband!You may now kiss the groom...",everyone cheered as the two stared at each other with flustered faces.Mingyu shyly opened the veil Wonwoo was wearing as he caressed the older's cheeks.When suddenly the older got bold,pulled the collar of the taller's shirt as he felt his lips meet with his husband.The cheers got louder and some squeled."YAH JEON WONWOO!YOU GOT BRAVE HUH!",Soonyoung's loud ass shouted earning a smack at the head by his husband.The kiss took a minute before they pulled away from each other.Without caring about everyone,Mingyu's hand went to rest at Wonwoo's waist as they brought their foreheads together.

"So...What should I call you now?Mr. Kim or My Kim?How about honey?Darling?",Mingyu asked as Wonwoo's face cringed."I don't know ask them?",the older pointed at the guests(readers) who are doing their own kind of celebration for the newly weds."WOW YOU TWO ARE SO GAY~PDA!PDA!",Jun shouted at them which they ignored since Minghao will surely deal with him.

"Yah sis...The two are really cute huh?I would definitely volunteer for them to adopt me if they ever need a child.",Anne whispered to her sister."As if?You're too old for that...I would definitely apply for them when they needed a babysitter once they had a child.",Liza spoke as someone tapped on the sister's shoulders."Sorry girls we already applied for that position.",the girl told them."I'm Vi and this is my sister Lj...We're Wonwoo's cousins.",another girl introduced.Anne and Liza's face soured and the four girls fought as the babysitter for the future Minwon baby...

▪︎To Be Continued▪︎

Took me long to think about how the wedding will take but only finished this in one day:')

But finally!These two are married!

And I guess we're getting closer to the last chapter;^;
I will add special chapters tho:D

Any name ideas for Minwon's baby?For future reference:P

🐱🐶▪︎Soulmates By Choice▪︎🐶🐱 [Meanie/Minwon]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon