I missed you...

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It's been a year and a half. The longest year and a half in which Junmyeon and I were communicating mostly through texts, voice messages, we would leave each other videos to watch and sometimes we would call or videocall each other due to the different time zones and work. The boys would tell me that the only time that his face would lit up is when his phone notifications would have my name on them. I missed him too... a lot.

Sehun: Yah hyung, stop staring at that phone c'mon it's been a year and a half already. Aren't you going to give up?
Suho: Sehun-ah don't be disrespectful to (Y/N). That girl is the reason you are nagging on me right now.
Sehun: Sooo... is that a good or a bad thing now?
Sehun: Hahahaha calm down hyung I love (Y/N) noona she's awesome. I just don't like seeing hyung sad. I love you hyung and I want you to be happy.
Suho: I know Sehun, I appreciate that.

He gave Sehun a hug. Chanyeol came in the dressing room.

Chanyeol: Sehun, hyung's new hairstylist is here for his trial hairstyle.
Sehun: Oh great. Now hyung don't chase away that poor girl like the rest of them. She is just here to do her job.
Suho: Sehun-ah I don't want a new hairstylist. Can't your hairstylist do my hair?
Chanyeol: Hyung the poor girl already has too much work trying to get this maknae's hair just right.
Suho: Then D.O.'s.
Chanyeol: Aish hyung don't be stubborn. Promise you this is the last candidate for this job. If you chase her away too then you will have D.O.'s hairstylist. Deal?
Suho: Deal.
Sehun: So hyung... why don't you close your eyes and let her do your hairstyle. If you don't like your hair when it's done you can have my hairstylist and I'll share with D.O.
Suho: Why do I have to close my eyes? Can't I have my eyes open?
Sehun: Aish hyung don't be such a boring old grandpa.
Suho: Yah who are you calling a grandpa you mischievous maknae?

Suho was about to hit Sehun with a slipper but Sehun dogged it laughing.

Chanyeol: Hyung calm down. Sehun wanted to say that you should close your eyes so you let her finish doing your hair before you judge her work.
Suho: Alright fine. But keep this maknae away from me or I swear I'll hit him.
Chanyeol: Ok ok hyung don't worry.
Suho: Calling me a grandpa...

He muttered under his breath but closed his eyes anyways. Sehun and Chanyeol led the new hairstylist to the dressing room and let her do Suho's hair. She started doing her job and the boys left them alone.

Chanyeol: What do you think his reaction would be?
Sehun: We'll soon find out.

On the other end I was working hard the whole year and a half. Learning and improving myself at my job. After the accident my boss thought I died in the plane crash so by the time I got back to my country he had hired someone else in my place. Luck was on my side so I got a phonecall with a job offer. I accepted and worked hard to get to where I am now which is Junmyeon's dressing room. Yes you guessed it. I'm Junmyeon's new hairstylist and he doesn't know that yet. My heart is beating out of my chest from excitement but also nervousness thinking about how is he going to react when he finds out it's me. You wonder how all of this happened? Well after I went back home this mischievous maknae had a conversation with my favorite tall elf-eared giraffe about what to do to cheer hyung up and Chanyeol told Sehun there's a free spot at the idol hairstylist training course. Sehun was in Manager hyung's office before Chanyeol even finished the sentence. That's how I got the phonecall from EXO's manager and flew back to Korea. They decided to surprise Junmyeon so I wasn't allowed to tell him I'm here. It was so hard being so close to him but yet so far. But now I'm here standing in front of him and it's not just any other day, it's his birthday.

(Y/N): Open your eyes Junmyeon.
Suho: That voice sounds like...

He opened his eyes to confirm his thoughts.

Suho: ...(Y/N).

He was so excited he jumped up from his chair and hugged me tight.

(Y/N): Happy birthday Junmyeonie. I missed you.

I hugged him tight and then he kissed me.

Suho: I missed you too.

He muttered into the kiss before the boys came in with a birthday cake singing happy birthday.

Sehun: I hope you liked our birthday gift hyung.
Suho: You guys... I love you.

He was grinning like an idiot.

Suho: So Sehun-ah why would you tell me to move on from her if you knew she was here?
Chanyeol: He didn't only knew she was here, he organized it with Manager hyung.
Suho: Jinja? How long have you known?
Sehun: I knew since the day she took the course, a year and a half ago. Chanyeol told me about it and I went to speak with Manager hyung. That's how we brought (Y/N) noona to Korea. To answer your question hyung I did it to see if you would give up on her, but noona he threw a slipper at me.

Everybody was laughing.

Suho: So you all knew she was here?
(Y/N): They all knew Junmyeon. It was so hard hiding it from you, being in Korea and still not being able to see you. But we wanted to surprise you and we wanted to be special. This time I'm here to stay Junmyeon, I'm not going anywhere.

Speachless he hugged me tight and then everyone gathered around in a group hug.


The birthday gift (Suho x reader ft. the rest of EXO members).Where stories live. Discover now