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We were urged into a hospital to check our health. They established that we were very lucky to come out of that plane crash alive. Other than some scratches and some minor injuries we were fine. The doctors took care of us and then sent us to the hotel to rest. There were reporters and photographers everywhere. We arrived at the hotel reception. They were checking us in.

Receptionist: Excuse me sir, but you asked for 5 rooms for 9 guys.

EXO's manager and the receptionist were talking. Junmyeon came to them.

Suho: Manager hyung what seems to be the problem?
Manager: In all this chaos I made a mistake and asked for rooms only for you guys.
Suho: Miss could you please give us one more room? Here I'll pay for it.

He took out his wallet and gave her his credit card.

Receptionist: I'm afraid there's nothing I can do sir, the hotel is booked.

Junmyeon sighed.

Suho: Don't worry manager hyung I'll fix this.

He went back to the guys.

Suho: Guys it appears that there was a mistake and we are a room short.
Baekhyun: Just pay for one more.
Suho: I tried that Baek, but the hotel is booked.
Sehun: So, where's noona going to stay?
Suho: Well I was thinking to give her my room.
Xiumin: But, where are you going to sleep Suho?
Suho: Well Xiumin I was thinking, if CBX could share a room?
Chen: Yeah we will be fine with that.

Chen smiled at Minseok and he gave Baekhyun a wink.

Suho: Then SC could take the second room. Kaisoo the third. I would be sharing a room with Lay if that's fine?
Lay: Yeah, sure hyung.

He came back to me.

Suho: You can have my room and rest, ok?
(Y/N): But, Junmyeon you didn't have to...
Suho: Ssshhh... it's fine, don't worry about it.

He gave me a kiss on the forehead.

Suho: Come on, let's go take a shower and get some rest.
Manager: There are clothes so you can change into. Take them before you go to your rooms.

We went to our rooms. Junmyeon's room was so big, with a huge bed, a TV, a private bathroom, a small livingroom and a balcony. There were some sweatpants and a hoodie waiting for me at the bed along with some basic underwear and socks that Junmyeon left for me to wear. I went into the bathroom and turned on the water. I took off my clothes and went under the shower. The stream of hot water falling down on my skin felt so good. That shower felt amazing. I washed myself clean, went back in the bedroom to get my clothes and then put the clothes on. I was drying my hair with a towel. I came back in the bathroom and picked up my clothes from the floor. Most of them were teared so I just decided to throw them away. I threw them all except for my EXO hoodie. I looked at it and smiled.

(Y/N): I'm keeping you as a memory.

Then I started washing it. When I was finished I put it on a hanger and hanged it to dry. Junmyeon came in the bathroom as I was hanging my hoodie to dry.

Suho: I knocked, but nobody answered. What are you doing? You should have just asked I would have given you as many EXO hoodies as you wanted.
(Y/N): That's ok. I want to keep this one as a memory of you and the days I spent with all of the EXO boys in the woods. That is something you can not buy.

He hugged me from behind and sighed.

Suho: You really are special, you know that?

I turned around to face him.

The birthday gift (Suho x reader ft. the rest of EXO members).Where stories live. Discover now