In the woods

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Suho's POV:

I woke up. 'My head hurts. Where am I?' - I thought. Then suddenly the memories from the plane and the girl flooded my mind.

Suho: Did we... CRASH?! OMG where is everyone? Gosh I hope they are alive.

I got up and started searching for them. It seemed like the plane split in half when we landed. I was sitting in the back of the plane while everyone else was sitting in the front, except for Sehun. I found several people. They were all dead. I started getting scared. Then I saw her. She was still strapped to her seat with her bag strap around her. She wasn't moving. 'I promised her that everything will be fine.' - I thought as I ran to her and checked her pulse. She was alive. I shook her to wake her up and she slowly started opening her eyes.

Suho: Oh thank God you are alive.

(Y/N): Suho? What happened?

Suho: (Y/N) it's ok, don't be scared. We had a plane crush and so far you are the only living person other than me. Can you move?

I tried moving, but felt pain in my left ankle.

(Y/N): Ouch! My ankle.

Suho: Can I check?

I nodded my head yes. He gently checked my ankle.

Suho: It's ok, it's not broken. Come, I'll cary you.

He lifted me up in his arms.

(Y/N): Suho your forehead...

Suho: It's nothing, it's just a scratch. I'm sorry I promised you that everything will be fine and now look at us.

(Y/N): It's ok Suho, you couldn't have known.

That's when I noticed something moving.

(Y/N): Suho is that... it is, it's Sehun. He's alive!

We got to him and he placed me next to Sehun. He checked Sehun for injuries.

Suho: Sehun are you ok?

Sehun: I'm fine. Is everyone ok?

Suho looked down.

Suho: I don't know, so far the only survivors are the three of us.

He looked at me.

Sehun: Who is this pretty noona?

(Y/N): I doubt I look pretty after a plane crush. My name is (Y/N).

Suho: She was sitting next to me on the plane. She had VIP ticket for our concert as a birthday gift from her cousin.

(Y/N): Yeah, what a birthday huh? I hope Chanyeol is ok too as well as the other members of course. Tomorrow is his birthday.

Suho: Ok let's focus. Sehun can you get up?

Sehun: Yes hyung.

Suho: Good. Now let's try and look for the rest.

(Y/N): Maybe we can also gather some stuff that might be useful to us.

Suho: That's smart. We don't know how long we will be staying here.

We found suitcases and bags and we filled them up with sweaters, jackets and blankets, well anything that would keep us warm or anything we thought might be useful.

Sehun: Hey guys, look what I found.

Sehun came to us with a bluetooth speaker.

Suho: What are we going to do with that?

(Y/N): Well maybe if we have a working phone we can put music on.

Suho: Have you gone mad? We had a plane crush and you wanna make a party?

The birthday gift (Suho x reader ft. the rest of EXO members).Where stories live. Discover now