The EXO members are alive

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The bluetooth speaker was blasting EXO songs. Up next was 'Monster'. The rap part was up when 'Wait, that's Chanyeol's voice, but it's not just the speaker.' - I thought. I turned around and saw the rest of the EXO members. I run towards Chanyeol and hugged him tight, well more like hanged myself on him.

Sehun: Chanyeol! You guys are alive. OMG!

Chanyeol: Yah, who's this short little monkey?

(Y/N): Who are you calling a short, little monkey you tall elf-eared giraffe?

Suho came back with some berries and a whole lot of chestnuts. He put the chestnuts and the berries on a piece of metal from the plane.

Suho: That's (Y/N) she was sitting next to me on the plane. She is also a fan.

Chanyeol: I like her, she's funny.

Suho gave Chanyeol a glare. I run to hug every EXO member glad that they are all alive. Suho and Sehun greeted them glad to see them alive too.

(Y/N): Thank you grandpa.

I whispered.

(Y/N): This is the best early birthday present.

Baekhyun: Hmm... grandpa? Why are you talking to your grandpa?

(Y/N): I asked him to take care for you guys until we meet again. We were so worried about you.

Suho: D.O. come with me, I found some mushrooms and I was wondering if they were edible.

D.O. went with Suho to gather some mushrooms.

Xiumin: We got some food from the plane too and some blankets we found.

(Y/N): Put them next to the jackets, we will need them to make you a place to sleep too.

Chen: We have some water too.

Kai: We found a water jug and filled it up at a lake we found on the way here.

Sehun: OMG CAN WE HAVE SOME? We only had half a little bottle to share!

Kai: Sure, give me the bottle I'll put some for you to drink.

Sehun gave Kai the bottle and he filled it up with water.

Sehun: Here noona, drink first. You must be thirsty too.

He gave me the bottle with water.

(Y/N): Thank you Sehun.

I drank a little bit of water and then gave the bottle for Sehun to drink. Suho and D.O. came back with the mushrooms.

(Y/N): Junmyeon, come drink some water. The boys found a lake on the way here and brought some water.

His eyes lit up. He came to me and Sehun and Sehun gave him the bottle. He drank a little bit, then stopped.

Suho: That's enough, the rest must be thirsty too.

(Y/N): It's ok, they brought a full jug of water.

His face looked so happy as he drank some more water. Chen pun the berries on some other piece of metal that he used as a plate. Chanyeol put the chestnuts aside so that D.O. can use the metal to cook the mushrooms.

Chanyeol: I guess we need something to cut into the chestnuts before we can roast them.

Baekhyun took out a sharp piece of metal.

Baekhyun: I picked this up. I thought it might get in handy.

Chanyeol's face lit up. He took the sharp metal from Baekhyun's hand and started cutting the chestnuts happily. I had nothing better to do so I took Chen, Lay and Kai to help me make the bed for the rest of the members. I took of my gloves as my hands were getting sweaty. Lay gave me a look but said nothing at all. When we finished Lay went to Chanyeol.

The birthday gift (Suho x reader ft. the rest of EXO members).Where stories live. Discover now