9. nothing to lose

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Azrael Carmen

I could tell he was trying not to grin at me from behind his coffee cup. That dickfucker. 

"Date me." he said casually. A hint of amusement tugged the corner of his mouth.

I glared at him, tightening my grip on the strap of my Birkin. He had got to be fucking kidding me. "Fuck you."

Now, the bastard was full on grinning and I felt my blood boiled a bit hotter. "Take a man to dinner first, Jane."

"Goodbye, Elliot." I stated with gritted teeth.

He sat there. His grin turned into a frown. It looked almost innocently sad except I knew better. The bastard was probably scheming his next move. I didn't intend to stay and find that out. I had more important things to do like not ruining my father's sweat and blood.

The email Barbara sent me this morning flashed before my eyes and I visibly cringed at the statements imprinted on my brain. It had gotten so much worse in a span of one night. It was as if the whole world was crumbling in pieces and I was trying to hold everything together by myself because I was the only one to blame.

What the hell was I doing here anyways.

"Give me my glove back or I swear to fucking God I will kill you." I jabbed my finger at his face.

He raised a brow at me, crossing his arms over his broad chest. I subconsciously stared at the black ink peeking through his cuffs. My mouth dried and my throat closed up, remembering the way I carefully traced them all with the tip of my fingers. I whispered question, asking him the reason behind each one while he fucked me hard and slow. He got them for the hell of it. There was no meaningful story. He just thought it made him looked cool. And, I had claimed he was stupid even though I thought it was rather charmingly adorable.

"I'm tall, smart and handsome. I have good manners and I respect women especially my mother. I can buy you diamonds and Chanel without asking my daddy for the money. One could say I'm quite the catch. Why wouldn't you want to date me?" His voice was like a slap across my face.

I snapped out of my disgusting daydream and took a deep breath in horror. The man was a fucking egotistic bastard. An unwanted annoying distraction. I couldn't possibly be attracted to him. Not anymore. Never after that night. I swore it.

"Explain your reason, Jane." He added, still sipping on his stupid cold coffee that I wished was still hot so I could dump it on his fucking head.

I took a step forward until I was in his face. "You have an ego the size of the fucking sun. I can't stand your face. Your voice makes me sick. I hate your tattoos and your suits. I loathe your cocky smile. And, your existence is testing the strength of my sanity."

I clenched my fists as I tried to ignore the headache pounding in my skull. I straightened my back and tipped my head to the cloudless sky. My phone stayed ringing away inside my coat. Everything was a mess and my life was going so wrong. The universe seemed to be punishing me.

And, this man was the worst version of Hell.

"Just give me back my glove and go away." I muttered without looking at him.

"Your phone keeps going off." He stated the obvious. I glared at the sky and let it mocked me back.

I felt the warmth on my skin and then a tug at my wrist. He dragged my chair around the table until it was next to his. I glanced down at him as he gestured me to sit down, again. Then when he seemed to finally accept the fact that I would never do as he told, the bastard had took it upon himself and abruptly stood up from his own chair just to picked me up and slammed me on the seat.

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