28. frozen in time

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Azrael Carmen

I was not a people person. Too much happiness and laughter triggered my urge to break out in aggressive hives. Every nerve endings inside my body tensed with distraught. I barely smiled. Dark clouds and lightning probably covered everything in my seven miles radius.

Parents hated me. And, grandparents loathed me even more. They learned my last name and smiled until they saw me. It was as if they knew I was bad luck for their sons. The sole reason I never visited any boyfriend's family since freshman year of college. They hated me. I hated them. It was simply to prevent further damage and attack from each parties.

Except circumstances were coming back to bite me in the ass. So, imagine my utter surprise because the Salvatores dare I say, adore me?

They were fascinating people.

Steven and Gianna Salvatore had looked excited enough to calm the panic in my head. They smiled at me widely and joked freely as they invited me into their home. I watched the interaction between them and their grandson with utter amusement as they questioned him about his ulterior motive for me.

They were looking out for me, people on my team instead of someone else's for a change.

"He can't stop staring at you." Gianna, my diamond God whispered beside me.

I turned my head and threw my half bitten pastry at his face. "Stop staring."

He caught the croissant with ease and took a bite. "I want to superglue my eyeballs to your face."

"You need therapy." His grandfather told him, looking rather satisfied with himself.

"Stop being mean to your grandson." Gianna warned. "I'll go get the photo albums. I expect all limbs intact when I come back." She said, rising from her chair.

Elliot groaned loudly. "Grandma, no."

"Are you scared your pretty girlfriend will see all your adorable rolls?" Steven asked then turned toward me. "He was a very chunky baby."

"He was?" I mocked with horror.

"I was not." Elliot groaned. "They were muscles." He argued, grabbing my hand and brushing it on his abs for good measures.

He was all warmth and everything solid.

"I'm sure you were adorable." I flashed him a half smile, bringing my hand up to squish his cheeks.

I really hoped he was an ugly baby.

Elliot had his arm around my waist as the afternoon started to die slowly. His soft chuckles inside my ears and the time lost between my erratic heartbeat. I exhaled the flower fragranced garden and sank a little deeper into him as his finger traced a little E on my thigh over and over.

For once I felt as if I could live in this moment forever. Maybe just for a little while.

Confusion and panic chased right after the warmth. It was an ugly feeling sneaking through the gaps of this bubble. I hated it. I wanted to claw at my chest and tear it right out.

"Stop frowning. Your wrinkles are showing, sunshine." His irritating voice whispered into my hair before he kissed it. "They love you."

Guilt erupted inside me. I felt it in my bones. I could taste it on my tongue. I gripped my teacup harder and felt so incredibly selfish for stealing such an intimate moment.

I scowled to myself and plucked another croissant from the pastries tray. I shifted my gaze and really admired the burst of colors and bright happiness hidden right in the heart of a moody forest. Grey clouds didn't hover the space like it did the city. Cold breeze splashed on my face and the sun was as golden as the Cartier on my wrist. I tried to distract myself and name all the flowers around me as I listened to the most amusing chess game ever.

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