24. harsh with vengeance

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Elliot Salvatore

I couldn't even look at her right now. Rage gripped my bones. I felt it crawled up every inches of blood vessels I possessed, constricting the organ between my ribcages until the burn got stuck in my throat. I needed to kill something, to feel the life leaving a body and to hear the sound of death whispering inside my ears.

My fingers hovered over the string of codes I had been writing for the last ten minutes, itching toward the gun under my shirt and the cold blade that was digging up my skin. More headlines and articles went online the longer I took to finish the virus I was creating to fuck with their entire computer system. I tightened my grip on the phone as I felt anger seethed from the woman beside me.

Her silence was the only thing louder than the murderous thought inside my head. She glared outside the tinted window. The city blurred as our night faded into nothing, tainted with her blood and my reality. I put that looks on her face. I couldn't meet her gaze or pull her into a hug. Not when I knew I could kill a thousand man right now, anyone who dare to hurt her, but that empty glare.

"Elliot." Her voice was harsh with vengeance and my name never sounded so bitter from her lips. "I want to go home."

"We're going to the hospital." I said nonchalantly and focused on finishing up the codes. I needed a fucking computer but I couldn't exactly do that in front of her and tell her I was destroying the whole tabloids, could I?

"I don't want to go to the hospital. I need to go home and find out what the fuck is happening." She gritted her teeth, glaring at the side of my face.

I typed even faster, not looking at her. "We can go home after I know you're okay."

"No. I want to go home. Now." 

My next mistake was glancing at her. Because I was going to fucking end up with a massacre on my hands by the end of the bloody night. I clenched my jaw at the sight of her. I studied the gash on her temple as my blood began to boil my inside. The skin around her wound had turned slightly purple and drops of blood dripped down the side of her face, staining her flawless skin. I gripped my phone so hard, the screen shattered and its glass sliced the inside of my palm.

Jane was hurt. My sunshine.

"I told you I'm fine." She sneered at me, all pale and bloodied. "I don't want to see a doctor. And, stop telling me what to do."

"Pull over. I'll walk home. If you want to go to that hospital so much, you can go alone."

My blood pressure rose so high I heard it buzzing inside my fucking eardrums. I reached over to her seat, unbuckling her seatbelt. I was telling her what to fucking do? Her hardened glare flashed on me as I grabbed her by the waist and tugged her toward me. She yelped and struggled against my hold, fists punching my chest. I tightened my arm around her and had to physically fucking push her down my laps before grabbing her wrists and slamming it behind her back.

Chanel perfume and some flowery shit assaulted my nose. The crazy in my head toned down a bit as I consumed her scent and felt her. Fuck me, I had a heart attack waiting to happen right here. She was going to fucking kill me before I wring her pretty neck.

"Let me go. I'm breaking up with you." She glared. "We're done."

"Look at you. You're drenched in fucking blood. You will see a doctor even if I have to drag you there myself." I glared back.

Her eyes narrowed to downright murderous. Fucking great at least the feeling was mutual now. "I want to go home and find out what happened because you won't fucking tell me." She snapped, struggling to get out of my hold.

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