3.Wanna play some video games? (2)

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Amine P.O.V

I got home after a long day of school and playing video games, to my surprise Liam didn't live very far away so I could just walk back home, it took 15 minutes but I got there still smiling from the thought of playing with Liam and Daan.

Before I could open the door myself, mom opened it for me

"Hey! How was it?" mom asked excited, "Mom, it wasn't a date or something like that, and besides I wouldn't go on a date with a guy, but it was good we made a Minecaft server and a discord server to play and talk toghether!" I say while walking in the house and putting my bag away.

Mom asked me more questions like what Minecraft or Discord is. Old people, am I right?

We talked the rest of the night about games and why online friends aren't always 60 year old pedophiles, after that I ate a midnight snack and went to my room to play some Minecraft and to see if anyone was online. To my surprise, Liam was online and in a VC, so I joined while starting up the game.

"YO." I said."Oh my god, Amine, you scared the shit out of me!" Liam half-screamed . What'cha doing this late at night?" he asked "oh I wanted to play some Minecraft after explaining what the game is to mom. " i laughed."What about you?"Oh, i've been on the server after washing up, made some new builds," he said with a calm voice. When hearing his voice so calm, I felt something but ignored it.

- time skip-> 3AM-

"Oh well, i have to go now. I want to close my eyes a little before going to school." I said yawning "thats alright! I'll get off now too, goodnight!"Night!"



I got rickrolled while writing this and didn't even know ;-;

Also, if ya have suggestions or smth, please tell me because we don't really have a plan for these two

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