SMG4: Mario goes to college / Mario suffers Infinite Detention

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[Y/N], Meggy and Melony step out of the taxi and admires the school infront of them. "I can't believe we are finally here!" Meggy says with excitement. "OMNIA ACADEMY!" [Y/N] says excitedly. "Woah woah woah!" Melony cheers. "Our first year of college is here!" Meggy says confidently. "Woah woah woah!!" Melony keeps cheering. Soon they all entered the school and see lots of people roaming around the school. "So coooool!" Melony says. "Come on guys, let's find your classrooms!" [Y/N] says and grabs the map and walks off with Meggy and Melony, "Melony I think yours is just down this hall!" They continue to walk, "So this map says, "OMNIA academy is a college that teaches anything you can think of...classes, better known as clubs can be started and taught by anyone- " "However! They have a minimum student requirement!" Meggy says. "Okay I think we are here Melony! The power club!" [Y/N] says but they quickly look down as Kermit falls infront of them, he quickly gets up and looks at them, "good evening-" he quickly turns and rushes back in. "Good luck guys!" [Y/N] says, "now I got to find my class! Time to go and fulfill my destiny!" Bloopkins, Luigi and Bob walk into the hall as [Y/N] glanced at them. "Oh hey [Y/N]!" Bloopkins says smiling. "WHAT?!" Meggy says surprised. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" [Y/N] yells. "YEAH YOU DIDN'T TAKE THE EXAM!" Meggy says after [Y/N]. Luigi slowly points up, "Technically I did." Meggy puts a finger over her lips, "SHHHHHH!!!" [Y/N] straightens themself out. "What classes are you even taking?" Bloopkins smiles, "I'm doing a human resource class so I can help other people!!" Bob smirks, "I'm taking customer service so I can exploit- I mean also help people at my hotel!" Luigi smiles at them, "I'm taking meditation!" Melony runs up to Bloopkins and hugs him. "Yay we have more friends!" [Y/N] sighs. "Yeah you're right... We should be happy." Meggy says with a small smile. [Y/N] looks around, "Say did Mario enroll too?" Luigi slowly nods. Suddenly everyone sees Mario get kicked out of a classroom. "Fine be that way!" Mario crawls away. Everyone facepalms.
    Everyone is in their college classes. [Y/N] is sitting in meme class with their teachers SMG1, and SMG2. Mario standing up with SMG1 and SMG2. "As you can see here, the universes avatar is just a regular human." SMG1 says showing off Mario. "But with extraordinary abilities!" Mario puts his finger up his nose and everyone starts aggressively typing. "Damn it Mario..." [Y/N] mumbles and writes down notes. SMG2 enters the stage, "Now up next, we're going to see how meme energy can be used to power up our avatar!" Suddenly the doors burst open as SMG4 enters. "Hey so sorry I'm late!" As he carries a chest. [Y/N] couldn't help but blush. SMG4 gets to the front before confronting Mario he turns and sees [Y/N] and blushes smiles. SMG4 turns to Mario and glares, "SOMEONE thought it'd be funny to fill my car engine up with Ravioli!" Mario smirks, "HA!" SMG2 walks over to the chest, "Ah wonderful! You brought them." He opens the chest to reveal memes all inside. "Ok class," SMG1 says, "SMG2 and I will now conduct a little demonstration." SMG2 nods, "While SMG4 explains what's going on." SMG1 and SMG2 take hands and start to use their powers and start converting memes into Mario. "SO! We Meme guardians can transmute memes!" SMG4 says, "Into energy and transfer them into our avatar." Marios fist grows bigger, "Oooooh! Hey, just in time for the end of no nut November!" [Y/N] rolls their eyes. "So we have to be careful with meme energy as it can be extremely volatile-" Mario smiles and opens his mouth as an energy went into his mouth, his tummy starts to rumble and spit out of his mouth hitting SMG1 and SMG2. Suddenly a red light glows around them as they loose control as more energy fills Mario fast. "Oh no!" [Y/N] says and quickly stands up and runs over. Suddenly many students turn into energy as they past. "Oh no guys stop!" SMG4 yells as he runs over to help break them apart. "W-We can't!" SMG1 pleads. [Y/N] runs up and helps pull them apart. SMG4 sits up and looks across at [Y/N]. They start to nervous chuckle. "Thank goodness-" Suddenly a thud was heard they turn to see Mario turned into a rocket. MARIO LAUNCHER, He gets fired going towards [Y/N], "Ah!" SMG4 jumps and hugs [Y/N] as Mario hits them sending them flying into the school bumping into Meggy, crashing the bathroom, bumping into Melony as they head towards her teacher they crash as a huge explosion was heard. [Y/N] rubbed their eyes as they were in SMG4's arms, "Are you okay?!" He put his hand on their cheek. "Y-Yeah.." SMG4 sighs in relief and kisses their forehead. "DETENTION!!!!!!!!!"
    Later they were all sitting in detention. "You will learn from your mistakes starting now!" The teacher leaves. SMG4 and [Y/N] look at each other and sighed, SMG4 reaches over and grabs [Y/N] hand as he starts to caress it. "Make sure they stay here." teacher says in the hall. "You got it chef!" SMG4 and [Y/N] glanced at the door, "Oh no..." SMG4 says as Swag enters the room. "Hello you misbehaving hooligans!" Chris follows him from behind. "W-what are you doing here?" [Y/N] asks with curiosity. "Yeah aren't you meant to be in the military protecting the mushroom kingdom?" SMG4 questions. Chris sighs, "We are temporarily suspended because...." Chris turns towards Swag. "SOMEONE THOUGHT IT WOULD BE FUNNY TO STUFF THE TANK ENGINE WITH RAVIOLI!" Swag smirks, "Ha!" Mario smiles as Swag and him give each other high-fives. "AHEM, anyways." He takes out a ruler and starts smacking it into his hands. "You guys are in detention!" He turns to the chalkboard, "Go write 'Swag is the best' one million times and then you can leave-" Meggy rolls her eyes, "And if we don't?" Swag stares at her. "I'm gonna start yodeling." Meggy and SMG4 get shocked and quickly went to work writing. Mario looks at [Y/N], "nobody cares I'm going to go!" Mario heads to the door but Swag beats him to the door and starts yodeling and kicks Mario back in the classroom. [Y/N] chuckles at Mario's pain. Mario groans and stands up, "I'm gonna get out of here if it's the last thing I do..." [Y/N] facepalms as Mario approaches Swag and Chris. "Hey!" They turn to him. Mario pulls out a top hat and a giant wheel crashes behind him. "Step right up to Mario's amazing game show!" Chris realizes what's going on, "Swag don't-" But Swag already fell for it. "Oooo oh boy oh boy!" Swag cheered, "I love gameshows!" Swag runs up to Mario and spins the wheel. [Y/N] watches in amusement. The wheel comes to a stop landing on, 'special swag surprise'. Swag smiles, "Ooo a surprise just for me?!" Suddenly a pistol pops out shooting Swag down. "Yeah hahaha!" Mario runs out and swag follows. "Damn it Mario..." [Y/N] groans. Chris walks over to them. "You behind this?" [Y/N] leans in their chair and raised their feet on the desk. "Tsk no." Suddenly Mario was kicked back into the classroom. Everyone stares at Mario, "Mama-Mia..." Mario groans. Meggy sighs, "Oh Mario. Sometimes its best to just follow the rules..." SMG4 nods, "I know right. Like writing on a board isn't a big of a task, look how much I've done already!" SMG4 stands in admires his work. "Nice!" Meggy says pointing at it. "You've done a lot!" Meggy smiles. "Almost as much as me!" SMG4 chuckles. "Haha, no, I've defiantly done more then you." Suddenly it was a show down of Meggy and SMG4. Suddenly they turn to the chalk board and scribbled like there was no tomorrow. Soon they ran out of room and started to write on walls and floors. Swag walks back in and admires the room, "Oh baby, this room gets me." Mario pops up in front of him with two erasers. "Hello!" Chris jumped, "CRAP, A SMOKE GRENADE!!" Mario claps them together creating a lot of dust. [Y/N] starts coughing. "Don't worry Chris I came prepared." He puts nightvision goggles on and activates them seeing Mario in the distance. Swag charges for Mario and he screams.
It was a few minutes later Mario wakes up taped to the ceiling of the room. "WAAHHH!!!" Mario screams. "Hey Stinky!" [Y/N] looks up. "HELP ME OUT OF HERE!" [Y/N] shook their head. "Shoulda just wrote the lines, Mario!" Mario looked crossed, "HOW CAN YOU JUST SIT THERE WHILE WE'RE BEING LOCKED IN HERE?!?!?!" SMG4 looks up from writing. "Dude it's just detention." Mario gets mad, "GET MARIO DOWN OR ILL CALL ELON MUSK!" Without really knowing what happend, [Y/N] suddenly realises it began a fight against Melony, Mario, Chris and Swag. SMG4 and Meggy noticed it too. Meggy says goodbye and leaves as SMG4 stood up too. "See you all later." He turned to [Y/N] waved to come along. [Y/N] gets up and follows SMG4 out. Swag turns, "Oh HEY! Great work guys!" Swag smiles. "You're welcome back anytime!" Mario notices [Y/N] "HEY YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING." [Y/N] sticks their tongue out and left with SMG4. Heading down the hall everyone turns to see Mario Melony running for their lives. "Oh man, please don't bring any of that chaos out here..." Meggy begs. "YODEL MAN IN COMING!" Mario yells. [Y/N], SMG4, and Meggy turn to look and Swag peeks out. "AHHHH!!!" Everyone runs. SMG4 grabs [Y/N]'s hand. They run in the school for dear life. "Crap he's catching up!" [Y/N] warns everyone. Everyone soon past the box club as Mario pleads his club to help him. "THEY ARE HURTING BOXES!" But that didn't stop Swag. Everyone entered the gym and Swag follows in. "Whoooos ready for infinite detention??" Swag looks around. "What...?" Swag is best written all over the gym. Swag was impressed. "Oh yeah this gym totally gets me!" Everyone peeks over the bleachers. "He fell right for it!" SMG4 says smiling. "QUICK! While he's distracted how's our chance!" [Y/N] chants. Mario throws Koopa and gomba's at swag knocking him over. [Y/N] jumps and goes to kick swag but he pulls out an microphone and yodels blowing them away. "Ok thats it, it's time for my school friendly and defiantly not illegal katana!" He pulls out his katana. Swag jumps to swing but Melony jumps and blocks his attack with her sword and knocks him back. "Don't. Hurt. My. Friends!" Melony says in a serious tone.  Swag goes in for another attack but she doges it. They clang their swords together. But suddenly Melony started to change into a different color. When she opened her eyes they were white as snow and black as night. Melony smacked Swag back also falling over in the process. Swag flies out the window. Melony soon turned normal. She begins to smile. Everyone starts to celebrate their victory. They stopped to see the teacher looking at them with anger.
Everyone begins to clean their mess. "Heyyy janitor duty for all eternity beats detention right guys? Mario asks.

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