SMG4: Mario's Bus Trip

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    The bus slowly approaches the front of the school. It comes to a complete stop as the doors open slowly. Swag turns his head towards everyone. "Do you kids want some candy?" Saiko stares at Swag with an unamused look. "Look who's on time for once." Saiko says. Swag peeks out of the bus, "You what M8?!" Bob kicks Swag inside and climbs inside. "Oh hell yeah, next stop to the casino!" Tari climbs inside. "Uh bob this is a school camping excursion to the forest." Bob freezes up realizing. "God damn it!" Melony approaches the bus and turns to Saiko, "Hey Saiko, why are you and Tari coming?" Saiko sighs, "Because we've been asked to babysit...HIM!" Mario hides behind [Y/N] and slowly waves. Saiko grabs Mario by the ear dragging him inside the bus as [Y/N] follows giggling. "Alright c'mon buddy lets get you in your seat." Melony and [Y/N] look at each other. "With Saiko we should be safe?" Melony shrugs and follows [Y/N] inside.

    Shroomy gets into the bus and smiles. "Thank you for signing up for this awesome camping experience! My names Shroomy and I'll be your guide!" Everyone cheers. "Now before we leave does anyone need anything?" [Y/N] turns and looks at Mario. Shroomy eyeballs Mario as he sits there. "Anything at all.." [Y/N] smirks at Mario. Mario doesn't respond. "This is your last chance to get it." Shroomy says. Mario continues to be quiet. "ALRIGHT lets go!" Shroomy says. Swag starts the bus. Mario snaps out of it, "Wait Mario needs to piss-" Shroomy jumps, "TOO LATE!" The bus takes off. [Y/N] relaxes but hears something like a fly or screaming. "You all hear something?" [Y/N] asks. "Nope." Bob quickly comments. The bus drives off to the forest.

    Mario turns to Tari. "Can you let Mario out of his seat I need to pee!" Mario cries out. Tari smiles, "Ok!" Saiko slaps Tari's hand gently. "No! Remember your mission!" Tari quickly salutes Saiko. Mario groans, "I'M SERIOUS I HAVE TO PEE!" Mario gives Tari the puppy eyes. "Please?" Tari looked at Mario with sadness. Saiko shakes her head. "I'm sorry Mario..." Tari says sadly. "Fine. You want to play it that way? I'll be as annoying as possible." Mario starts to make popping noises out of his mouth. Tari giggles and joins in the mouth popping. [Y/N] turns their music on and puts their earbuds in. "I wonder how SMG4 is doing." [Y/N] thinks to themselves and finds them looking at photos of him. [Y/N] shakes their head. "Oh stop being a creep." They think to themselves. [Y/N] closes their eyes and drifts to sleep.

    [Y/N] jumps and pulls their earbuds off as the bus goes fast. "WHATS HAPPENING?!" [Y/N] looks up and sees Shroomy laughing like a maniac. "You got issues dude." Swag sighs. [Y/N] looks down at their phone as it goes off. They got a text from SMG4.

SMG4: "How's the trip so far?"

[Y/N]: "It's interesting I suppose."

SMG4: "Is Mario behaving?"

[Y/N]: "Saiko's keeping him in line."

[Y/N] looks up to see Melony trying to pull Bob back into the bus. "Oh sweet Mama-Mia!" [Y/N] runs over and grabs Melony by the waist and helps pulling. "HOW DID HE GET OUT???" Melony yelps, "I- I don't know!" They continue to pull. "IM LOOSING GRIP!" Bob yelps. Melony and [Y/N] try to pull him back in but Bob looses grip. "AAHHHH!!!" Melony yelps and cries a little. "It's okay Melony its only Bob." Melony sighs and sits back down. [Y/N] sits next to her. Mario suddenly rushes to the front of the bus to swag. "MARIO NEEDS TO PIIIISSSSSS!!!" Mario cries. Swag starts to loose control of the bus. "Ah! WE ARE GONNA CRASH!" Saiko screamed. Everyone screams as the bus tips over slowly. Melony and [Y/N] fall onto each other as the bus tips over and starts to slide coming to a complete stop.

It was a few minutes later, everyone was outside the bus watching Swag fix it. Mario was taped to the roof of the bus. "I'm sorry I learned my lesson..." Tari says to Saiko as she crosses her arms. Swag crawls out from under the bus. "Alright bus is fixed." Swag turns to Shroomy. "It's time to get the kids back in the bus." Shroomy wasn't paying attention. "Shroomy?" [Y/N] asked as they approached him. [Y/N] glanced at each other and then looked to see where he was staring to see a bear. "Come back for more huh?" Shroomy says in an dark tone. Suddenly bears start coming from out of the forest standing next to the main bear Shroomy was staring at. Soon the bear attacks Shroomy  they fall to the ground together fighting. [Y/N] yelps and everyone starts to be attacked by bears. Saiko ran and started to fight one as [Y/N] joins by her side fighting off them. Swag retreats into the bus and closes the door. Saiko  sees a bear behind [Y/N]. "[Y/N]!" She tosses her hammer to [Y/N] as they grab it and swing around smacking a bear flying. Everyone kept fighting until suddenly Melony flies past all of them grabbing a bear and flying up into the sky. [Y/N] looked up. "Was that-?!" Saiko looked up. "MELONY?!" Melony lets go of the bear as it starts to fall. She zooms down punching the bear as they fell and crashed into the road. A big dust cloud blew towards them as everyone closed their eyes. Slowly opening them [Y/N] noticed Melony passing out. "MELONY!" [Y/N] ran up to her and felt her pulse. "Oh thank goodness she's alive." [Y/N] says, with the help of others, they hauled her into the bus.

    Few minutes later they were back on the road. [Y/N] went and texted SMG4 an update of what happened but noticed Melony wakes up. "Melony, welcome back!" Melony looks over and sees everyone was back to normal enjoying the bus ride. Melony nods at [Y/N]. [Y/N] starts to look confused as Melon looks across to the other seat and was talking to.... Herself? [Y/N] looked over at the seat as to see no one was there. "Hmm..." [Y/N] thinks for a moment before turning around and continues to text SMG4. "Hmm..." Tari says quietly. "I feel like we are missing something.." Saiko and [Y/N] look around. "CRAP WE LOST MARIO!" Saiko yells. "DAMN IT!" [Y/N] says facepalming.

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