SMG4: Mario and The God Box

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SMG4 and [Y/N] walk towards the soccer field together holding hands. They stop to see Melony training. "Looks like everyone's training today." SMG4 says. [Y/N] looks around. "Where is SMG3?" Suddenly a portal appears and SMG3 walks out. "Yo sorry I'm late, meme guardian stuff, yada yada, you know?" SMG3 lowers his sunglasses to see SMG4 and [Y/N] standing there looking at him weirdly. "Hey [Y/N]!" SMG3 says as he winks at [Y/N]. [Y/N] twirls their hair. "Hey SMG3." SMG4 glances between the both of you. "Oh hey jerk face." SMG3 says towards SMG4. "Good to see you too SMG3." SMG4 looks at the knuckles on his shoulder. "You don't expect to train with that knuckles on your shoulder do you?" SMG3 rolls his eyes and then looks at Terrence. "Ugh sorry Terrence...looks like this fascist doesn't want you here." Terrance jumps off SMG3's shoulder and runs back into the portal. SMG4 gets crossed, "What did you just call me?!"

SMG1 and SMG2 walk up to them, "Alright it's training time!" SMG1 says with a smile. "I know it's been a while, but lets start with some basic meme transmutation." SMG2 says and looks over at [Y/N] "You probably want to stand back." [Y/N] nods but surprised as SMG4 kisses your cheek. "I love you." He whispers into [Y/N]'s ear. [Y/N] smiles and blushes and safely moves slightly away from them at a safe distance. SMG3 looked disgusted by this but even looked more disgusted with his question. "Aww man do I have to hold his hand?!" SMG3 points at SMG4 as he gives SMG3 a dirty look. "We are in public- I'd rather hold [Y/N]'s hand then his." SMG4 rolls his eyes, "Dude, how are we gonna train if you're gonna be insecure every time?" SMG4 takes a breath, "AND ALSO, NO!" SMG3 stomps on his feet, "HEY! I'M NOT INSECURE- YOU'RE INSECURE!" SMG4 sighs and waves his hand at SMG3 who sighs and takes his hand as they activate their powers. A meme walks by [Y/N] and stops and looks around but suddenly turns into energy. [Y/N] watches in awe as they train together.

It was a little bit later they were still training. "Good, now up next we're going to use this meme energy offensively." SMG1 says pointing at the flowing energy. SMG2 jumps up, "Concentrate your focus and throw the energy at the dummy over there!" SMG2 points at the dummy a little ways from [Y/N]. The boys raise their arms and threw the energy but it misses the dummy and was heading into the soccer field. [Y/N] notices Melony, "MELONY LOOK OUT!" Melony notices it and quickly swings at it with her sword as it goes up and explodes. "Uh.. whoops." SMG4 says awkwardly. "Yeah uh... you guys overshot a lil bit there." SMG2 says rubbing his head. "Woah.." SMG3 looks down at his hand and chuckles. "So much power..." SMG3 glances up from his hand to see [Y/N] shaking their head no. SMG3 sighs and puts his hand down as if he was saying 'fine..' "Lets try again and please aim at the target please?"

Suddenly Bloopkins runs over to [Y/N] panting. [Y/N] turns around, "Bloopkins, what's wrong?" Bloopkins tries to catch his breath. "MARIO'S KIDNAPPING STUDENTS, YOU GOTTA HELP!" SMG4 and [Y/N] chuckle. "Nah he's probably trying to steal their spaghetti..." Everyone turns to see Mario drive by and picking up a student and throwing them into his truck. "God damn it!" SMG4 groans. Everyone runs to follow Mario. SMG4 and SMG3 kick someone into a room with a box on their head. Everyone walks in and looks over at Mario who was enjoying spaghetti. "Mario what the hell you doing?!" [Y/N] yells. Mario jumps from their voice, "I- don't know..." Mario slowly leans in to enjoy his spaghetti but [Y/N] growls and he stops. "YOU DARE TO INTERUPT THE GOD BOX CEREMONY?!?!" A man with a box on his head says. SMG1 and SMG2 freeze in place. "Did... did you say god box..?" SMG3, SMG4 and [Y/N] turn to them. "What's a god box?" [Y/N] asks curiously. SMG1 closes his eyes, "Legend says there is a divine box out there in the Great Beyond that contains the mysteries of the universe..." SMG1 takes a breather, "They say whoever opens the God Box will unleash things beyond our understanding..." The man with the box on his head, we assume the leader, smiles, "YESSSS, you are well versed in boxology my young friend!" He raises his arms, "He who opens the box will be granted unlimited power!" SMG3 freezes and starts to slowly smile. "Unlimited... power?" [Y/N] notices, "SMG3!" But before they could speak SMG3 covers their mouth with his hand. "WHAT?! The God Box doesn't hold unlimited power....if opened, unspeakable horrors will pour out and end the world as we know it!" [Y/N] tries to move SMG3's hand. "HOW DARE YOU TALK ABOUT THE GOD BOX LIKE THAT!!!" The leader yells at SMG1. "MEMBERS DESTROY THE HEATHEN!!"

Suddenly the members of the club approach them. [Y/N] grabs SMG3's hand and removes it and glares at SMG3, "SMG3!" SMG1 stands up straight next to SMG2, "We need to stop them. If the God Box is real, we DON'T want them getting to it!" Everyone goes to fight except SMG3 and [Y/N]. "Unlimited power..." SMG3 says to [Y/N]. "SMG3 please I thought you'd changed!" SMG3 looks at [Y/N], "Think about it [Y/N], unlimited power that can make us GODS!" SMG3 grabs [Y/N]'s hand, "WE CAN RULE THIS WORLD!" [Y/N] grunts and takes their hand back. "SMG3 whats wrong with you-" A member of a god box grabbed [Y/N]'s leg attempted to throw them but couldn't. [Y/N] turns and kicks them. [Y/N] turns to SMG3 but sees him nearby the big hole in the floor staring at the logo. [Y/N] runs to SMG3 but gets blocked by a member of the god box. Suddenly Melony swings by knocking them out for [Y/N] to Make it to SMG3 but they were too late. SMG3 was holding Mario over the hole. "SMG3 what are you doing?!?!?!" [Y/N] cries out. "ME WANT UNLIMITED POWER!" Melony suddenly snatches SMG3 and smacks him into the ground as she pulls her sword out. "MELONY!" [Y/N] runs and lays on SMG3 and looks at Melony in horror as a sword tip was pointed at them and SMG3, "MELONY PLEASE STOP THATS TOO FAR!" [Y/N] cries out as SMG3 grabs ahold of [Y/N]. Melony who by the way didn't look like herself struggled to keep the sword from stabbing them. Melony falls back and looks around in horror as her white eyes glowed. She whimpers and flies out of the room through the roof. "Ugh the audacity, am I right [Y/N]?" [Y/N] gets off him and slaps his face, "OW!" SMG3 yelps. SMG4 smirks for [Y/N]'s actions.

Later in the day [Y/N] decides to take a walk near the river but stops to see Melony on the bridge, She sighs, "No...I almost hurt my friends [Y/N] and SMG3 back there.. I don't think I should be using these powers." [Y/N] looked around to see who she was talking too but didn't see anyone nearby. "What...?" [Y/N] hid behind something and looks over and sees her pull out a paper and sigh, "Maybe..." [Y/N] looked confused, "Somethings wrong... somethings really really wrong..." [Y/N] turns and leaves.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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