Chapter 41:

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"Daughter dont worry!we can severe that girl's realtionship with Chen Zhangwei!we can have our revenge!"

Jia Shou said while gritting his teeth!

Anyway they have still a hidden card,the b**** seems didnt saw it!.

Meanwhile on the central base car

"Now little brat explain to me what is happening!"

Liang Xuiying's flicker and look back at Lu Bin

"Master can you believe me if i said i dont know?"

Lu Bin frown

"What do you mean?"

Liang Xuiying sigh

"Literally!i dont know!it was just like instinct!like someone is telling me but i dont know who?i mean it is not ability right?"

Lu Bin nod thoughtfully

"That is very likely!because if it is not ability then what is it?"

Liang Xuiying pout

"Sometimes i really want to surrender my self to tha laboratory to do experiment on my body!i am the wierdest arent i?i can even feel zombies from the distance?"

Lu Bin wanted to laugh at her first words then become serious on her next one!

The other heard it aswell and every one get ready.

They stop and so the others are.

The person from north was confuse for a while but when they saw zombies coming they finally understand!

The north base soldiers slacken when they saw how well train and powerfull the Central base soldiers are!even without using their abilities!

Liang Xuiying knit her eyebrows

"Stupid!no slacking!"

Then after her words zombies came from their back!

"Master i can feel the one who is controlling them!"

Then runaway again!

Lu Bin sigh,look at the second and command and said

"Our people is the most important!"

The second in command salute understanding what he meant!

In other words dont give a damn to outsiders!

The people from north was dumbfounded when they heard it!they are still visitors you know?

Lu Bin finally found Liang Xuiying in her frozen state!

"This is one of your ability isnt it?"

He teased!Liang Xuiying bit her lips

"Y-you think i l-l-like it?"

After 2 seconds she finally can move!

"You know its really dangerous right,what if the zombie has super speed ability?you have been eaten since long time ago!"

Liang Xuiying lips twitch

"Do you really think that i am enjoying it?the feeling like 'ooh!zombies!come and have a bite!i wont move!' like feeling?"

Lu Bin wants to laugh but Liang Xuiying make a hush signal,

He look ahead and found a woman smiling at them like she was expecting them!

But the most scary part is!

The zombie is actually f***ing smiling!

Liang Xuiying hurriedly shoot the woman,and like before she can dodge the bullets!

She squint her eyes and try more harder!

Lu Bin did the same!but the faster they so shot the faster she moved!

"Speed ability!amazing!"

Liang Xuiying murmur while her eyes flicker,she looked at the zombies and Lu Bin,

She sigh for some unknown reason and start shooting more faster!

They finally hit her,Liang Xuiying lick her lips and smile,

Lu Bin saw that they finally hit her but the zombie move more faster because of agitation!

He panicked when she saw that her target was Liang Xuiying so he want to use his ability to burn it but Liang Xuiying stop her

"We need her sample for the lab!you cannot turn her to ashes!"

"Just bring its ashes!"

Lu Bin said nonchalant

"Stupid!what is the use of that!?just try to not burn all her body parts!"

She compromised!

Lu Bin grin and start shooting small fire balls.

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