Chapter 55:

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Liang Xuiying check her gun and her bullet is almost gone!

While distracted the zombie suddenly appear in front of her,

To her surprised so she take a step back and she step in an empty space!

She look back and saw that she will fall from a hill!

Because she keep on running,attacking and distancing she didnt noticed that they entered the deep forest!

She roll over trying to hold somewhere to stop her fall but when she saw that the zombie is following she pick up her gun but there is none!

Her guns was lost!

When she stopped she got a lot of scratches and wounded her right foot!

But she didnt dare to stop!she stand up and check her pocket and relieve that there is money inside.

She choose a weapon but the zombie was about to catch up so she only pick randomly!

And surprisingly its a metal baseball bat!

She smirk and look at the arriving zombie.

She swang the bat hard when she saw that he is already in the bat range!

The zombie was surpised and didnt managed to avoid it!

He was hit straight to his face!

Laing Xuiying saw that its her chance so she hit him again before he recover,

The zombie was hit again and managed to avoid the 3rd one but he take a damage in his head.

He get agitated so his attack become faster.

Liang Xuiying was with a baseball bat since long time ago so she was more accostum to it more than the guns.

But because it was close combat so she was in a disadvantage,

While attacking and avoiding she is thinking of a way to kill it.

She was pushed hard in a tree,it was painfull but she endured.

The zombie was about to punch him but she managed to avoid it she used this chance to hit him again in his chin from below using the tip of the bat.

The zombie lost his balance so Liang Xuiying take out her small knife and direct stab him in his forehead.

The zombie twitch for a while and stopped moving.

Liang Xuiying use the last money bill in her pocket and take some gasoline and lighter to burn the body!

She dont know why she just want to follow her instinct.

After the battle,Liang Xuiying finally felt all the wound on her body.

She hold her bloddied arm and check the wound,

It was stabbed,maybe by a tree branch while she was falling.

She checked herself and except the wound from the right foot and left arm,the others are just scratches and some bruised.

She sigh and felt misserable,she tried to walk but her foot is in pain but she need to go back to the group.

She walk enduring the pain,she didnt yet to go far when she heard footstep coming towards her.

Chen Zhangwei's worry finally disappear when he found her,

When he noticed that Liang Xuiying was not around he panicked resulting that was almost scratch by the zombie.

He return to his senses and fought as hard as he can.

When he finally killed the zombie he left and search for her.

His eyes reden and his fist tighten when he saw tha state she was in.

She was in a mess,her clothes has torns in different places,there is scratch and bruise on her face,right foot and right arm are blooded,and there was small wounds and scratches.

His heart is aching for her but he was feeling relief when he saw her in this state.

He hugged her gently

"Xuiying no next time!you cant fight alone anymore!i wont alllow it!"

Liang Xuiying use her uninjured hand to hug him back,

Now he can feel the fatigue

"I guess i need to train more!"

She whisper,Chen Zhangwei carry her and regroup with the others.

The soldiers was startled when they saw Liang Xuiying state in!

It was the first time they saw her injured like this!

For them she is omnipotent!she was never hurt whenever they fought!

Even how strong the enemy was but she never get hurt!

But now?

Is her enemy that strong?

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