"H-human! You-You've got to h-hide!" Alphys stammered, shoving Jake into a cranny of the shelves, a narrow crevice in between two of them, "D-Don't...Don't m-move, ok-okay?"
"Alphys, dear, my wheel seems to be running out of air, would you mind fixing it for me?" A flamboyant robot barged his glamourous self into Alphys' lab.
"Hap-I mean, Mettaton! What have I told y-you about coming into my lab?" The small yellow monster asked, shuffling papers on her desk.
"Oh, darling, you don't want to fix your poor old robot?" Mettaton waved around his hand.
"O-old? Mettaton, I just made you a body four days ago," Alphys managed to shove her Mew Mew Kissie Cutie fanfiction into a drawer.
"Oh, but four days is just as long as-" Mettaton stopped for a moment. A silence filled the room like a fog. Alphys paled. Mettaton was a human killing machine. That's what she made that body for. It was to find and eliminate any human that dared stumble into the Underground. Unfortunately, that was going to come back and bite Alphys.
"Darling, is that...a heat signature?" Mettaton asked, his beautiful features becoming slightly rougher.
"I-I do-don't know w-what you m-m-mean," Alphys tried.
"HUMAN!" Mettaton shouted with the most power and heroism he could, "REVEAL YOURSELF!"
Jake stepped out bravely, cocking his pistol with a loud click. Alphys cowered behind her desk as the world went black and white as the fight began. The options for a monster were fairly simple. FIGHT, ACT, MAGIC, and MERCY. Most monsters relied on the MAGIC and MERCY option. After all, that was what they were.
Others like Undyne, Greatest Dog, or Asgore relied on their physical strength, so they tended to use the FIGHT button. Then there were monsters that ACTED, like Alphys or Least Dog. Humans were unpredictable though. You could never tell if they were going to attack. That's what made Jake so dangerous to Mettaton.
"Prepare yourself, darling..." Mettaton grinned a show stopping smile, "For the most glamorous robot you'll ever see!"
(333 Words)

Minus Determination (Continued)
FanfictionThere were eight humans who fell underground. Minus determination, there were six. What happened to them? How did they get here? What happened to them after the barrier broke? Any art in this book will be original, please don't steal it. This is my...