ch 1*~The Dawn of Nightmares ~*

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"Where the hell I am?"Callista said.
And what this place is.

I had never seen a place that had only two colors.

" Black" and"White"

~she tried to move further than Suddenly something approaches her from back with a sweet voice and start calling her name while laughing~

"Callista", "Callista"
(Because of a sudden voice, she screamed because of getting shocked.)

who is calling my name? she asked with a shaking voice.

~suddenly she felt that the voice is coming from her back~

"Honey", "don't be sad I know it is hard but you did your best". That voice

" Who you are?"Callista ask."what you want".
And "Why you are asking such things like this to me?"
She start panting ,she felt a heavy weight on her heart while knowing nothing about why this all things are happening with me.

Hey ! Callista ask.

Why you are doing this to me.

You know," i dont like it".

"And whenever I talk to you i feel some werid type of pain in my chest .
Why you are making my life more harder."

"Its the blessing honey",that voice replied.

"She with shocked replied,if having nightmares and having pain is blessing people approaching you only for their need is blessing ."

"Than i dont want such a blessing like this".
"Because for me it just a cu",callista tried to saied when.

*~she flinched because suddenly she felt someone is touching her hair from behind in a very lovable way, in a way no one had done it before except for ~*

" no i dont want to remember "Stop touching me"
(Callista said coldly while tears started filling and falling from her eyes that even the thought of that person gave goosebumps to her and due to fear she start panting)

"Hah"," Hahh," I said stop touching me. Dont you understand. (she said it while shouting at that person )

"You are just making my life harder".
So," just stop now".

*~the voice replied ~*

"Honey", "Callista"
"I love you, I truly love you" because y---

Stop it!callista replied.
But, I tr- .that voice tried to tell something .
(But because callista got too much scared she did not gave to much attention to it.)
"Noooo, don't lie I know ." Hah",i know. "Hah"(panting). No one had ever loved me nor my family or my friends.
"But it's okay because I don't want it anymore okay". Callista said .(while remembering the pain of losing someone who she really treasure.)

"But with time love only hurt which she forget"
"So, just shut up and get lost because I don't believe in love ."

"I don't want love. I don't t want to believe in love."

"So just shut up and don't talk as you care."
"Because I know nothing gonna come good from love .its just some new methods of hurting people so please stop. Stop it , becau-because thinking about it a little hurts a lot."

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