Ch2*~Being Different~*

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(When Callista tried to escape from his cousin,cris grab her bag strip hardly which made Callista more annoyed than before)

"Cris", "I already said sorry to you for a mistake I did not do purposely so just move now from my way". Callista replied annoyingly.

"Who the hell said I want a sorry", Calli you know very well that sorry is just a useless word"," sooooo why don't you just give me something more useful than a sorry."cris replied with a smirk.

"Something more useful than a sorry", hah "What the hell do you want "

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"Something more useful than a sorry", hah "What the hell do you want ".Callista asked with a frown.

"Anything that helps you show your beauty through actions ", what do you say", ". Cris replied with a smirk while taking his face closer towards Callista.

"Haaaaaaaaaaah".Callista sighed.

"Cris ", "if you are asking for a slap then keep it in your mind that I can give it to you anytime but right now am truly not free so move " Callista replied with a cold gaze.
(Which means to take your existence)
and get lost)

"Hey", girl, you are so heartless. Don't you want a handsome boyfriend in your life? Cris replied with a laugh.

"Because", if you want I can be of help to you, after all, you know I am a person with a big heart and after all who wants to come even nearer to a girl like you. Cris asked again with an annoying smirk.

"Cris", I truly don't have any interest in having a useless boyfriend, so why don't you just be pissed off," Callista replied with a glare.

~But still cris didn't move from his place ~
Oh dear, why don't you just take a little bit of interest? Chris replied.

Why? Callista asked.

"Because I am handsome and attracts people very well you know I am just thinking about your benefit "," Cris again asked with a smirked face

~cris thought maybe Callista didn't understand what he wanted to say so he told her directly without knowing that he is the one who didn't understand what is happening. ~

"Mann, why don't you just try me out. After all, I am different from other boys." Cris asked with a frown.

"Hahahahaha" you" haha", Callista laughed.

~Without realizing cris start blushing only just by seeing Callista's laugh without realizing what she is going to say to him~

"Cris", if you are talking about being different as a disappointment then don't tell me because I already know get it so now move.
Callista replied with a smirk.

*~~(This reply of Callista hurt Cris's pride so hard that he became too much angry that he tried to grab Callista's hand but unfortunately her brother came.)~~*

"You b****, let me tell you who is a real disappointment you cursed woman ."cris replied. With an angry face.

~~With anger, he moved forward to hurt Callista but fortunately her brother enter at the exact time )

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