Chapter 4

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Every so often, this Author cannot help but wonder how all of the many Bridgerton offspring put up with their ever so devious matriarch. For all the Ambitious Mamas in the ton, Lady Bridgerton might just take the cake. Though, this Author is quite certain that Mrs. Featherington may not be inclined to agree.

~ Lady Whistledown Society Papers, 28 April 1818

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" A D E L I N E, dearest, you seem unusually distant today," Lady Bridgerton noted. "Whatever is the matter?"

Adeline glanced up from her needlework (which she hadn't touched in over a quarter of an hour) to face her aunt. "I'm not feeling right. Though, I'm sure I'm just a bit tired."

They were sitting in her aunt's ultra-feminine rose-and-cream drawing room at the family's new home, Number Five. They had moved out of Bridgerton House a few years ago before Kate gave birth to Edmund, her and Anthony's first child.

The Bridgerton's that still lived at home were otherwise occupied. As always, Eloise was in her room catching up on her correspondence, Francesca was out for a stroll with John, her fiancé, Gregory was away finishing his final year at Eton, Hyacinth was with her governess and Posy Reiling (the Bridgerton's ward) was visiting Benedict and Sophie in the country. Which left Adeline and Lady Bridgerton alone for afternoon tea.

"Yes well you did have quite the eventful evening." Aunt Violet's cornflower blue eyes sparkled with excitement. "Lord Charles seemed quite taken with you, my dear."

Addie shrugged in a way Aunt Violet might've scolded her for at one time. "I doubt it, I'm sure he was merely being polite by dancing with me."

"Nonsense!" Violet replied. "You were the only young lady he paid any attention to last night!"

Adeline wasn't certain why she was acting as if Charles wasn't interested, the whole point of this ruse was so people would assume he truly was courting her. She wasn't one who usually pretended as if her suitors weren't truly interested just to be polite. In fact, she often used to joke with her family about the long line of painfully boring suitors she once had during her first Season out.

However, that had been a good many years ago now and none of those men had been Charles. He felt different. But that was, of course, because he was the only one of her suitors who was entirely fake.

She decided that if this ruse was going to work, she would have to play along and convince her aunt that she might have an interest in Lord Charles. 

"Yes well, he did send flowers this morning." She gazed at the beautiful yellow tulips sitting on the parlour table in the corner of the room with a pleased smile.

"He did indeed." Violet nodded, looking very pleased. "Expensive flowers, too."

Addie decided to go in for the kill. "Aunt Violet," she began with a saccharine smile, "do you think we could extend an invitation to the party at Aubrey Hall next week to Lord Charles?"

Her aunt beamed and Addie instantly felt a small pang of guilt for lying to her. "Well you would have to speak with Kate as she will have to find another young lady to even out the number of men and women, but I'm certain it would not be a problem. We could always invite the vicar's daughter, I'm sure she would love to join!"

"Splendid!" Addie replied and immediately regretted it. She was quite sure that she had never uttered the word splendid in her life. She was going to have to get better at this lying thing. And quickly.

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