Chapter 6

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As always, Lady Trowbridge's annual ball in Hampstead Heath was quite the crush. However, the extravagance was no match for this season's most intriguing couple; Lord Charles and Miss Bridgerton, of course! This Author cannot help but confess her original skepticism at the unexpected match, but the two looked positively besotted with each other last night. There can be no denying the attraction between them. 

~ Lady Whistledown Society Papers, 1  May, 1818

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T H E moment he alighted from the carriage Charlie was bombarded with one Ambitious Mama after another. Each one more hopeful than the last that he would bestow even a miniscule amount of attention upon their young daughters, if only so they could brag to their peers that he did so.

He couldn't help but think about what Adeline had said the day before; "yesterday I was considered an old spinster and today I am a diamond. All because you have deemed me worthy of attention."

It was ridiculous, this practice of courting the aristocracy participated in. Each of these women were equally deserving of the title of Diamond, were they not? Why should it depend on whether a man deems them worthy of it?

Charlie was broken out of his unusually political thoughts by the approach of a haughty looking middle-aged woman followed closely by a pretty blond girl who appeared equally high in the in-step.

"Lord Charles," the woman greeted with a curtsy, "how lovely it is to finally make your acquaintance."

"And yours, Lady...?" He responded, politely.

"Oh! Silly me! I am, of course, Lady Penwood. And this is my lovely and beautiful daughter, Miss Rosamund Reiling," Lady Penwood gestured to her daughter who was gazing around the ballroom, completely oblivious to her mother's increasingly displeased glare, "Rosamund!" She barked.

The girl, Rosamund, startled and then gave him a practised bright smile and a curtsy, "It's a pleasure to meet you, my lord."

The name Penwood sounded strangely familiar, though he wasn't sure why he would've ever heard of it. Charlie gave a tight-lipped smile, he instantly disliked the duo but it wouldn't do to be impolite. "The pleasure is all mine," he said as he bent over and bussed a light kiss on Miss Reiling's knuckles. He began to scan the ballroom for signs of Adeline and made a move to leave.

"Rosamund has one more spot on her dance card." Lady Penwood spoke up and he groaned inwardly. "A waltz, in fact, starting in just a few moments."

Charlie looked at the countess, she donned a sly smile. He slid his gaze over to her daughter, who actually looked slightly embarrassed, and sighed. He couldn't exactly snub the girl, especially not in public.

"Miss Reiling, would you do me the honour of this next dance?" Reluctantly, he held out his hand to her, which she promptly took.

"I'd be delighted, my lord." She answered with a confident smile and somehow her upper-lip got stiffer.

Once they arrived on the dance floor, he couldn't help but notice how out of place she felt in his arms. She was too short for him, too blond, too vain. Her blue eyes sparkled with admiration but Charlie had come across enough liars in his career to know her kindness was a facade. And if that weren't enough, she wasn't graceful—at least not like his last dance partner was.

Adeline. The thought of her tore his attention away from Miss Reiling and he continued to scan the room for his preferred partner.

"What brings you back to London, my lord?" The woman in his arms asked as he spun her around the floor.

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