Chapter 7

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Dearest readers, has there ever been a house party in which some sort of scandal did not ensue? This Author thinks not.

~ Lady Whistledown Society Papers, 4 May, 1818

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Aubrey Hall was Adeline's favourite place in the world. Granted, she hadn't exactly travelled all that much. Nevertheless, the immaculately maintained ancestral seat of the Bridgertons was still her favourite. It was surprisingly cozy for such a large home and had always reminded her of something straight out of a fairytale, with its fanciful turrets and crenellations.

She was excited to be back. Since Uncle Edmund died, the family did not spend too much time here. The memories of him seemed to be never ending in this house as well as the pain that inevitably came along with them.

The best part of Aubrey Hall was, without a doubt, its gardens. The stately home sat on multiple acres of rolling green hills, as well as a beautiful lake where the Bridgerton children had learned to swim many years ago. Today, however, Addie had chosen to take a stroll through the rose garden.

Surrounded by the sweet scent of flowers, she sat on the little bench in the middle of the garden and closed her eyes. She listened to the harmonious sounds of the birds in the distance as they chirped happily in the spring sun. It was so peaceful here, she could forget all about her worries, doubts and fears and simply be.

She had to bite back a groan at the sound of footsteps coming closer. The guests had yet to arrive, but the family travelled to Kent a few days early to help Kate and Anthony prepare and spend some time together. She loved her family dearly but really, could she not enjoy a little time to herself before practically the entire ton arrived on the morrow?

She listened to the footsteps as they came to a stop in front of her, blocking the sun that was shining down on her and keeping her warm. Without opening her eyes, she asked the unwelcome intruder; "Do I look like I wish to be interrupted?"

"Not particularly, although you looked so lovely sitting here with the roses I simply could not resist." The familiar deep rumble of that voice was decidedly not one of her cousins.

She no longer needed the sun as she felt her cheeks warm with a blush. She opened her eyes, only to be greeted by the sight of Charlie Basset standing before her. 

Oh, and what a sight he was. The light from the sun circled his head like a halo and defined his already chiselled features. He wore a crisp white linen shirt and cravat paired with a sky blue waistcoat that was only a couple shades darker than his eyes—which were currently dancing with amusement. He stared down at her with a lopsided smirk that had her belly feeling fluttery.

"Charlie?" Her nose scrunched in feigned annoyance. "What are you doing here?"

"Nice to see you too, darling," He chuckled. "I came with Simon and Daphne."

"Oh... right." Of course he had come with his brother, why wouldn't he? She felt slightly foolish for not thinking of that earlier. She would've been more prepared to see his handsome face if she had.

"I am glad I found you alone, though." Charlie sat on the bench beside her, which suddenly felt entirely too small for the both of them. His thigh was pressed up against hers and the contact sent a horribly inconvenient spark straight to her core, despite the layers of fabric between them.

"Y-you are?" Addie forced her mind to focus.

"Yes, I think we should go over the plan for the week."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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