Shut up and kiss me

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Based on the prompt given by Prince-Heart


"I still can't believe this mission turned out to be such a waste of time!"

"Come on Bucky, it wasn't that bad. If you didn't have to come here what would you do anyway? Eat all the chips I bought and watch that damned cooking show?"

"Shut up, Sam."

"Nah. I mean, it went great for me though, with you leading the whole thing and me behind you. Got a great view of your glorious ass y'know."

Here it goes. Daily dose of Sam's appreciation of Bucky's ass. Every few days Sam would find something to tease Bucky about. Last week it was his jawline and eyes combined. This week his ass got a chance to be roasted by the great Samuel Wilson.

"Honestly man, you got one fine ass. How many squats do you do everyday, huh? Can't really find out myself as you keep your door locked all the ti- mmmmph!" All of a sudden Bucky was kissing him, all full lips and tongue and what not. Sam forgot to breath and couldn't help but kiss back. Damn. Bucky tastes like strawberries. Sweet.

After a good two minutes of pretty much making out Bucky pulled away. "I told you to shut up nicely before." Bucky grumbled, his face a little too red even though he started the kiss. Both of them whipped their heads at the sound of someone clearing their throat. It turned out to be Zemo. 'Damn it..... Why did I forget he was here?!'- Bucky scolded himself. Well now there was no going back. His feelings about Sam was now out in the light, cause there are hundreds of ways to make your colleague/apartment mate shut up other than thinking about and kissing him. Good job Bucky. You did amazing.


"Soo.... Do you Sam?" Zemo couldn't help but ask when they were going back to the city. Sam was busy flying their plane so he took the liberty to talk with Bucky. It wasn't only the kiss. The sexual tension between Sam and Bucky is something impossible to ignore.

"Why do you even think so?"

"I mean...... It seems obvious but I just wanted to like... confirm? I'm sorry it's your personal matter, I shouldn't pry." Zemo mumbled, clearly not wanting to piss of Bucky.

"Hey don't be sorry. It's alright. I mean, we have been working together since the flag smashers happened so.... Yeah. I mean, yes, I do like Sam. But I can't tell him and you also can't." Bucky narrowed his eyes at Zemo, as if to emphasis on his point.

"Why can't you tell him?"

"Because.....because I don't know if he might feel the same, and I surely don't want to ruin the relationship we have now. We live in the same apartment, I can't make it weirder than it has already become!" Bucky's voice kind of broke at the end and Zemo truly felt sorry for the super soldier.

"Maybe things will turn out just fine if you take the leap and tell him." Zemo suggested.

"I highly doubt that." Bucky scoffed looking away, his mood turning sour. Zemo only nodded, the gears in his head already turning.


"Sam, I like you a lot, more than a friend and I would love to date you. By the way, if we sleep in the same bed I am going to be the little spoon, no objections- oh shit!" Bucky slapped his mouth shut as soon as he realized what the hell he was doing. Why was he spilling his heart out to Sam out of nowhere in the middle of a chilly Sunday? What is wrong with him?

"Wow, glad you said it first cause I was busy finding and dumping new ways to tell you how I enjoyed that kiss and want many more," Sam joked but he had a genuine loving smile on his face, his whole face lighting up; looking more relieved than ever.

"Wait.....really?!" Bucky breathed out.

"Yeah, really. Can I kiss you now?" Sam moved in closer to Bucky, cupping his pretty face. When Bucky let out a tiny nod Sam leaned in, giving Bucky the sweetest, softest and the most passionate kiss he ever had.

From the doorway Zemo grinned like the Cheshire cat, these two forgot again that he was here. Whatever. The truth serum worked pretty well on Bucky. That's all that matters. And the long ass make-out session Sam and Bucky were having now too.


Send me more prompts folks, maybe some au with hints of bottom Bucky?

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