If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you

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Dancing with Bucky has always been something Sam found himself daydreaming about. Now here he is swaying to the soft music, holding the man close and he still isn't sure if this is real or not. Bucky's metal fingers intertwined with his flesh ones, his other hand on the super soldier's waist, Bucky's right hand on Sam's shoulder. So close. Rose and sandalwood. That is what Bucky smells like. Divine.

When Sam came to know that Tony invited Bucky to his wedding, he thought it was a joke. Not Tony's wedding, the invitation. After everything that happened, Tony still and very surprisingly had the heart to forgive Bucky and help him even. They get along pretty well now, Tony even told Bucky that he didn't need to apologize for anything. Bucky didn't kill his parents. The winter soldier did. And that was also on command, not on his own out of his own will, if he had any. Tony just wished for Steve to sit them down and explain the complicated situation. But no, it had to be weird and painful for all of them. Eventually Tony forgave Steve too. No one was in their right mind at that time.

However, Bucky told Sam about the invitation, as well as the fact that he didn't have a date for the wedding. Samuel Wilson had to jump to the rescue and offered to go together. After a few stages of blushing and nervous chuckles, Bucky agreed. Butterflies came alive and started break-dancing in Sam's stomach. And that brought them to the current situation, so close they can feel each other's nervousness. 

"Some people here seem to be curious about us," Bucky says, blushing a soft pink. Pretty. 

Sam looks around, catching a few pairs dancing with their dates but looking at them. "Let them watch then, it seems like just harmless curiosity to me. And, even if the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you." Bucky's eyes widened with surprise, his full lips parting slightly. A few moments later, he smiled softly and murmured a thank you barely above a whisper, before resting his head on Sam's shoulder. Sam couldn't hide the content grin anymore. He leaned his head closer to Bucky's, letting out a shaky breath he didn't know he was holding.

This is what perfection is maybe. This dance, this moment. And of course, James Bucky Barnes, who stole Sam's heart with his rare yet sweet smiles and steel blue eyes. 



This was inspired by the song "This Town" by Niall Horan. The song has a little sadness to it but I tried to keep it short, sweet, and happy. Hope it was enjoyable.

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