Warmth and Chicken Soup

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As per the prompt given by JDsangster


"Sammy...." Bucky whispered softly, his head resting on Sam's shoulder. Sam kept his eyes glued to their TV, too busy watching a soccer match.

"Mhm?" he absent mindedly hummed.

"Sam....my head hurts so much....and my tummy too...." Bucky whined, his voice coming out breathy.

"Since when did you start calling your stomach 'tummy' huh, Mr. Big bad white wolfy?" Sam chuckled but turned his attention to his boyfriend.

"Oh my God!" Sam literally screamed seeing his lover’s ghastly, pale face causing the other man to wince. Sam put the back of his hand on Bucky's forehead to check his temperature, but almost immediately pulled away. Bucky was probably burning hotter than the Sun right now.

"Not again..... Stupid fever...." Bucky whimpered, almost letting out a tiny cry. He touched his temple with his cold metal hand hoping to get rid of the annoying heat of fever engulfing him.

"You're burning up baby..." Sam whispered in a vulnerable tone. Bucky rolled his eyes though it felt like the simple act made his brain go all mushy. "Relax Sam, I know what this shitty fever is.... Just put me in the bathtub, please.."


"Ugh..... You know the serum helps me to not get sick and..... heals wounds quickly and shit. But it also got this... weird side effect. Every few years I get this horrible fever, headache, stomach ache out of nowhere.... all at once. Just once in a few years but this hurts like hell, Sam!" Bucky explained as best as he could while trying not to throw up all of over their living room floor.

"Now take me to the damn bathtub.... please Sam..."

"Y-yeah, come on." Sam picked up Bucky gently, carried him to their bathroom and helped him sit down on the stool they kept there. Filling up the tub with water, Sam picked up Bucky again and helped him get in the tub right after he stripped off his lover's clothes.

Bucky shivered, feeling the cool water touching all of his skin but stayed in the tub. It was something he did every time to get the fever down. Meanwhile Sam took a soft towel and dipped it in water, then wiped Bucky's face with it. He let the towel linger on the super soldier's eyes and temple which made Bucky moan at the comfortable coolness.

"Thanks Sammy... I feel so much better already," Bucky smiled softly at his loving boyfriend.

"You don’t have to thank me Buck, but you should've let me know about this fever thing beforehand, y'know."

"Hey..... don't be mad at me for that..... I should've but I forgot about it myself. I'm sorry." Bucky pouted staring up at Sam, making puppy eyes.

"Don't give me those puppy eyes, and don't be sorry, love, it's gonna be alright," Sam ran a gentle hand through Bucky's hair. "I think I should wash your hair though."

"Yes, please..."

Sam carefully brushed Bucky's now shortened hair and washed his head, hoping to rid him off the fever and headache.

"I'm all done. Do you want me to dry you up and take you to our bed?" Sam asked while checking for Bucky's temperature again. He seemed to cool down a bit.

"Yeah...wanna sleep..." Bucky let out a tiny yawn and looked up at Sam with tired, sleepy eyes, which the made the new Cap chuckle softly and coo at his cute little (big actually) boyfriend. Sam helped Bucky get out of the tub and dried him carefully, then wrapped the towel around his waist before picking him up.

"Sam I feel better now, I could've dried myself and I can walk now y'know..." Bucky said with a little bit of protest in his voice but curled up in Sam's arms anyways.

" I'm not letting you do anything other than sleeping, eating and taking dumps until you get better. And you just said you wanted to sleep."

"Ew Sam! It sounded so romantic until you talked about.... Why did you have to bring it up!" Bucky let out a wheezy laugh. His boyfriend really knows how to make situations funny or weird. Sam just smirked and put Bucky down at the edge of their bed before dressing him in comfy clothes.

"Now close your eyes and try to sleep, love. I'll make chicken soup for you."

"But I don't like it!"

"You will when I make it!" And with that Sam was already out of their bedroom and off to the kitchen.

"Maybe, I love everything you do and every food you make," Bucky mumbled to himself, a soft blush spreading on his pretty face. He closed his eyes with a soft smile on his plump lips.

Maybe this time this fever won't be such a bad thing to deal with.


Later that night Bucky was snuggled by Sam's side, who kissed his temple every once in a while and was giving his scalp a gentle massage to lull him to sleep. After few bowls of soup, lots of water and little bit of meds, this time Bucky already felt way better.

Actually, with his loving Sam, Bucky always felt way better now.


Hope it was good :)

Send me au based prompts!

Take care! 

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