Adrian P.O.V.
So, Heaven. Bright colors, pink unicorns, gold harps, right? Yeah..not exactly. You see, 3 years ago, when I was 12 and when the world was supposed to end, the gods took it a bit more seriously than you might think. They were all, "We don't know for sure, but there's a pretty good chance all the mortals are gonna die". And of course, God forbid (no pun intended) everyone dies. But, if everyone dies, then I guess nothing can function properly, and everything is thrown off balance.
Anyway, our Profit didn't help much, just said some nonsense about Armageddon as usual. Armageddon is judgement day, if you didn't know. A.K.A Heaven and Hell battle, everyone dies, and other cheery stuff.
I'm sitting in a leather chair behind the wooden desk in my office, and I probably should be going over recent death waivers. But I can't focus. My wings, white with brown streaks in them, which is wicked unusual for an angel, and almost got me fired, are tucked behind my back. I have my feet, in white converse, folded up on the desk, which I definitely shouldn't be doing. Nor should I be wearing jeans and a sweatshirt, but I really don't care.
So, back to the lack of unicorns and harps. We reinforced the gates, and doubled lookouts. I'm not actually sure what we were planning on finding, but I think the gods were expecting a huge army of Kamecs (big, ugly Chewbacca-like things) to suddenly attack or something. We even had archers stationed on the clouds (Yes, our clouds do float.).
As you probably know though, it didn't happen, but we still have a whole new set of rules. No flying after 11:00pm, don't go outside unless you're traveling with a buddy, and other rules so stupid it was like we were on earth. I mean, we didn't even get to do Cloud-watch anymore. Cloud-watch, BTW, is the best thing ever. Basically, it's a picnic on a cloud, and you get to decide where you want your cloud to hang. Sure, we've ruined a few Disney trips, but it's totally worth it.
I always have plenty of girls willing to picnic with me, and as much as I'd like to believe it's because I'm a very attractive 15 year old with wings, it's probably got to do with my status. Being the adoptive son of God, and his second-in-command gets you serious points with the Angels around here. I've just never really connected with any of them.
It's probably because I can't relate to a thing they say.
You see, I have a secret. And I don't mean, a secret, corny, "I'm in love with her", kind of thing. I mean, a secret I've never told ANYBODY. Not even my best friend Leo. Not even my father.
I don't remember. I mean, most people remember their names at least, and a good portion of those remember their entire mortal lives. If they had a bad life, they could always go to the cleaners down the street and get their human memories wiped, I love you's and I hate you's erased permanently. It's kind of poetic, actually. But anyway, I don't even know my human name, or who my parents were. I remember nothing but being here, in heaven. It's always been like this, so maybe I died in a car accident. My dad won't tell me, because I haven't told him, and it's not like I should be going around yelling, "Hey, Guys, I don't even know my own name!". I'm pretty sure I'm not his biological son, and the idea of God getting it on with some angel sorta freaks me out, to be honest.
I can't tell anybody, and I'm scared. Not of everyone's reaction, but of who my parents are. What if they're, I don't know, crack addicts or something? That is NOT who the second-in-command of God is supposed to be. I'm supposed to be perfect, loved and worshipped, even if my name isn't super religious. And that reminds me. I have to go make sure the whole city is inside their houses. The ENTIRE city. Do you know how long that takes?
Hi guys! This is my first story, so I hope you like it! Sorry it's so short, I'll try to post more over the weekend! I do need names for a brown haired female angel though, so if you could comment with a name, that would be awesome!

Fallen Devil |ON HOLD|
Teen FictionWith a mischievous grin, Adrian turns back to me, holding something behind his wings and chuckling evilly. "Hey sweetheart," he teases, "didn't know you were a marvel fan." He looks me over with a wink. "It suits you." And with that, he pulls my lac...