Eden's P.O.V.
"Um. Hi. I think", I stuttered.
"Hello Love. Better watch where you're going, huh?", He spoke slowly, in a faintly British accent. And he looked pretty full of himself. I'll bet when he was alive he got all the girls. Well, not this one.
"Me? It was you who nearly scared the living day lights out of me!", I gasped indignantly. I couldn't believe this jerk was trying to pin it on me.
He chuckled. "Well, since neither of us is alive, I guess we don't have to worry about that, do we now? But hey, supposing it is my fault, let's say I make it up to you." What was he trying to do?
"Listen, I don't know who you are, but you're in front of my house, and I'd like to get inside it. So if you could kindly move out of the way, that's all you'll need to make up to me." My pink heels were really starting to hurt, and I couldn't wait to get inside and put a healer on them. I'd only been here a week, but already, I knew the healers were pretty awesome. They fixed whatever was wrong with you in a couple of minutes.
"I don't think that's going to be enough. I'm only doing my job, house-watching, but I'm starting to feel pretty bad about knocking you over. In fact, I feel so terrible I think I'll have to take you out to dinner next Friday.". He spread his hands out in a, what can you do kind of gesture. Creep.
"There is no way I'm going out with you. I've already had a pretty bad week, and I don't need you in it. So move." I shoved him aside on the last word and moved to open the door.
"Oh, so she's feisty! Just the way I like angels. Very well, but the offer is still out there. Wings and flings, 6 o'clock." He wiggled his eyebrows and stepped away from the door.
God he was annoying. "Reserve a table for one, why don't you.", I snapped at him. I yanked open the door and stepped inside
"Hey, sweetheart, you forgot something." He held out my book, a beaten copy of my favorite book, "Sweethearts and Roses".
"Wow, original nickname. You came up with that all on your own, did you?"
"I'm brilliant that way. Oh, and I didn't catch your name," he drawled.
"I'm Eden. Eden Charlotte Jacobs. And I'd thank you to stop groveling at my steps." I snatched the book from him and tossed it onto a chair inside.
"Nice. Most people call me Adrian, but you can call me tonight." He winked and pushed a hand through his dark curls. He was cute, I'll admit that, but wayyyyy to cocky for his own good. And he'd just used the oldest pickup line in the book. Which is not cool.
"Get off my steps," I growled. He was seriously pissing me off now.
"Sure sweetheart. See you Friday then?". And I slammed the door in his face.
As soon as the door closed, I slid down against it and kicked off my heels. Relief washed over me in waves as my toes hit the warm air. I took a deep breath and forced myself not to look out the window. If he had any respect, he'd leave. I wasn't ready for a boyfriend. Not after James. Not yet. I could still remember the last time James kissed me, right before....
I shook my head and stood up. Hobbling over to the couch, I collapsed against a pink pillow and put my feet up. I reached out and opened a drawer of the coffee table in front of the couch. Using one hand, I rummaged inside and pulled out a patch. I peeled the paper strip over one side off, tossed it onto the coffee table, and stuck the patch onto one blister. The relief was immediate, and in front of my eyes the blister disappeared. I switched to the other foot and healed the blister there.
Swinging my feet to the floor, I let out a sigh of pleasure. I stretched my wings out behind me and admired the streaks in them. Amazingly, I had gotten immediate angel status because of the minutes before my death. I loved my wings, but if I could trade it all in to see my family again, I would. Maybe there was a way....
"Okay, now I'm going crazy," I snorted out loud. I picked up the used healer and its wrapper and padded to the lacy trash bin. It was hideous, and I couldn't wait to throw it out. But, I'd start with my room.
I walked to the foot of the stairs and began to climb. But Even as I opened the door to my room, I couldn't get Adrian's offer out of my head. And "sweetheart" echoed in my mind.

Fallen Devil |ON HOLD|
Fiksi RemajaWith a mischievous grin, Adrian turns back to me, holding something behind his wings and chuckling evilly. "Hey sweetheart," he teases, "didn't know you were a marvel fan." He looks me over with a wink. "It suits you." And with that, he pulls my lac...