No More Rainy Days

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Mystia AU

[ My fanmade universe is called Mystia- so yeah anyway onwards!]

"I-I......nnh, i don't know w-w-why im crying" Jake's voice shook, and it was terrible Sean had never heard him waver,

"Its fine, It's okay, nothing wrong with that" the older male says in a soft voice.

"I'm not w-weak" Jake gasped wetly. "I've h-had worse"

"I know. I know that alright? Cryin' don't make you weak" Sean says sitting in front of the boy, who kept on mumbling and sniffling.

His breaths were tumultuous, his mouth agape. Tears kept streaming down his face.

"Don't you worry 'bout it, just take your time, No one's judgin' you."

Jake clutched onto Sean's red sweater, his sobs rocked his body as he held the taller teen closer to him. "God I feel like a failure...." His voice was horse from his prior crying. 

"I-Im always gonna be alone, won't i?" he asked no one in particular

"If you ever feel alone, don't because i am right here," Sean says, he cupped Jake's cheek softly.

Jake's soft eyes met Sean's. There was silence between the two, The raven-haired male looked at the brown-eyed boy's lips, a sense of longing in the air. They both made eye contact.

" Can I kiss you?"

Jake nodded, his lips parting slightly as he looked up from Sean's lips.

"Use your words Sweetheart" Sean whispers, their foreheads touching, their breathing in sync. Jake's face heated up, as his heart raced "Yes, I-I want you to kiss me" Jake's voice was barely above a whisper. That's all Sean needed as they then kissed, the buzz of an electrifying feeling encircling them both.

The two boys pulled away, a soft giggle escaping their lips, as they soon chuckled still staring at each other,

"Hey–it stopped raining," Sean says as he pointed toward the window, The other boy giggled "Yeah, No more Rainy Days"

Jean Shorts/Fics  -[ Jake X Sean ]💛🖤Where stories live. Discover now